Get Happy Hippo back thread


Forum Member
Dec 11, 2012
I need to feed my family this coming week! Jk but please come back. Your insight is missed and the NBA board isn't the same without you.
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Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
haha, man - I'm sorry. To those of you who appreciate me, I really am sorry, and thank you all for the kind comments. I had a lot of fun sharing my thoughts and learning from other's insight this season, and I would call many of you *friends*. I am a humble and down-to-earth, positive person (as the numerous people on this board who have met me can attest), and I am just not interested in interacting with egotistical, negative people.

Some of what you surround yourself with in life becomes you. That is not me, and I want no part of it. Although this is just an online forum, it is a part of my life when I post here.

Sorry - best of luck. I am working on a big write up for the playoffs and I may post it at that time.


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Oct 30, 2003
Deer Park, TX
HH, your plays are definitely missed. Sometimes you just gotta let some stuff run off of your back. If you give up/stop posting, then the other person wins/gets the best of you. Don't let someone get the better of you. You're better than that. :)
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Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
You are sorely missed Jess :0008

Thanks canuck - something that happened that I wasn't going to mention, but... someone got my email from the fund I started for you and emailed me some nasty comments about my picks on here. That is another part of the reason that I am not interested in posting. I couldn't believe that someone could be so low as to get my email from trying to help you, and email me rude comments about my picks.

I just don't get these people and their purpose :shrug:

Baffling... seems like there are such more important things to do with life than be negative towards others.

Double Two

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Mar 18, 2001
Pelham, Alabama USA
haha, man - I'm sorry. To those of you who appreciate me, I really am sorry, and thank you all for the kind comments. I had a lot of fun sharing my thoughts and learning from other's insight this season, and I would call many of you *friends*. I am a humble and down-to-earth, positive person (as the numerous people on this board who have met me can attest), and I am just not interested in interacting with egotistical, negative people.

Some of what you surround yourself with in life becomes you. That is not me, and I want no part of it. Although this is just an online forum, it is a part of my life when I post here.

Sorry - best of luck. I am working on a big write up for the playoffs and I may post it at that time.

I learned a long time ago not to let other people bother me. Wish you would start posting again. Always enjoyed your insight & respected your opinion. Screw whoever made you stop posting. Life's too short.

Come On Back!!!!:0074
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Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
HH, your plays are definitely missed. Sometimes you just gotta let some stuff run off of your back. If you give up/stop posting, then the other person wins/gets the best of you. Don't let someone get the better of you. You're better than that. :)

I tried for awhile, but I am a sensitive person. It is part of my beauty and my downfall, but it is who I am and I can't change that, so I just have to embrace it. I'm not going to change my personality to fit in. I don't really see it as someone getting the better of me - it was just something fun for me to do for awhile (share and analyze games).

Cheers, and thanks

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Last thing - like Longhorn said, if I stop posting, then maybe the other person "wins". But this is what I just don't understand - to me, this is supposed to be a community, where we help each other with insight and plays. But, it is really more like a competition - where certain people are "against" other people... and that is what I don't get. Why someone would bash me and other people when we are just asking questions or trying to help makes no sense to me. So other people can think they "won", but really anytime anyone chooses not to post (whether they are good or bad), everyone loses. The more posters, the better.

If I am so "square", then even the haters should be encouraging me to post.

All right guys... good luck. I will probably post my playoff synopsis if I get it done.


Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Wow, that's pretty low Jess my apologies.

No need for you to apologize! Not your fault at all. Some people have no better recourse in life but to be bottom dwellers.

The important thing was that there were so many MORE people that did good in that situation, than bad.


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Dec 13, 2005
Last thing - like Longhorn said, if I stop posting, then maybe the other person "wins". But this is what I just don't understand - to me, this is supposed to be a community, where we help each other with insight and plays. But, it is really more like a competition - where certain people are "against" other people... and that is what I don't get. Why someone would bash me and other people when we are just asking questions or trying to help makes no sense to me. So other people can think they "won", but really anytime anyone chooses not to post (whether they are good or bad), everyone loses. The more posters, the better.

If I am so "square", then even the haters should be encouraging me to post.

All right guys... good luck. I will probably post my playoff synopsis if I get it done.

Im sure the books have something to do with this. It never fails that when you have a consistent winner on here or other boards. Someone is always around to run them off. Im sure that these people have something to with the sports books. They would be the only people that want you to stop posting because your winners are hurting their profits. Especially these small rec shops that cancel your acct when you win a few grand. :mj07:

You know how much they hate winners. So its no coincidence that this keeps happening to every consistent winner.

We to need start our own message board without any sportsbooks advertising. :0074

You will surely be missed by everyone else. :0008
Last edited:


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Mar 17, 2009
BC Interior
Last thing - like Longhorn said, if I stop posting, then maybe the other person "wins". But this is what I just don't understand - to me, this is supposed to be a community, where we help each other with insight and plays. But, it is really more like a competition - where certain people are "against" other people... and that is what I don't get. Why someone would bash me and other people when we are just asking questions or trying to help makes no sense to me. So other people can think they "won", but really anytime anyone chooses not to post (whether they are good or bad), everyone loses. The more posters, the better.


I couldn't agree more.

Not only are you a good capper, but a great person :0008


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Forum Member
Dec 2, 2005
There are immature kids on here who think this is a competition and their playground. I can tell by the way they write and sound and basically, they just don't get it. I doubt they even bet much really. And unfortunately, it ruins it for everyone else. I would just about guarantee that whoever wrote you, was a punk.

It is up to you, but you shouldn't allow that kind of crap get to you, but then it's easy for me to say.

If so many are behind you and want you to post, I would hope that would win over one idiot. In life, there are many assholes and people who just don't care about the feelings of others. It's happened to me so many times, and I shake my head at that kind character from people that I think are on my side. But again, most of the time, it's a maturity level, or lack of it. And sometimes, it's just people being unkind and despicable.

Good luck in whatever you decide.
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Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
I truly believe anyone who emails a person to bash picks or to call them a "square" should be banned. I know it maybe petty but that is how I feel, especially a poster who uses a sensitive situation and someone's good intentions to obtain an email to express malicious intent.


Forum Member
Nov 9, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Please don't do this HH! A lot of us rely on you for your amazing write ups. You have major support here. You cant let that idiotic fade the public plagiarist little dick moron NBA kid win.

You should post the email you got. I'm sure it's either NBA kid or the books as someone suggested. Lets get to the bottom of this and return fire on the troll. I can get my 4chan friends involved. It's no coincidence the best winners on here always get threats and bizarre emails from shills working for the books. Something similar happened with THUNDER.

Please don't leave can't let one idiot ruin a great community for everyone. We all come here for your write ups.
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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2012
happy, I hope u will be back. always appreciate your insights. as for all the bs going on, and since u like bukowski, ill leave u with something he once said. it speaks of the idiots bashing you

"We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.?
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That'll play
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2002
Wishing health and happiness

Definitely will be missed and always welcomed back with open arms

Negativity is just like clouds, no reason to be swept up as landscape always changes
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Agent 0659

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Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Guys, for ONLY $20 a week you can purchase the write ups, plays, and angles! Just get ahold of me and I will gladly get you back on the winning track. HH was up over 60 units posted for the year and has been even better as the playoffs approach and rotations shorten for teams! You DO NOT want to miss out on her playoff specials!

You will win back your investment X 10 every week with this proven winner. Step right up! :0008



Forum Admin
Forum Member
Mar 15, 1999
Im sure the books have something to do with this. It never fails that when you have a consistent winner on here or other boards. Someone is always around to run them off. Im sure that these people have something to with the sports books. They would be the only people that want you to stop posting because your winners are hurting their profits. Especially these small rec shops that cancel your acct when you win a few grand. :mj07:

You know how much they hate winners. So its no coincidence that this keeps happening to every consistent winner.

We to need start our own message board without any sportsbooks advertising. :0074

You will surely be missed by everyone else. :0008

the books could absoutley care less about the posting forums on one from any book comes in and starts the bashing....they haven't got the time or inclination.
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