Gimme your best …..


Forum Member
Feb 7, 2021
Gambling lines, phrases, idioms, philosophical sayings. Etc.

Boomer shared his uncles last week.

“I hope I go even today, I could use the money “. 😂

Some of mine are.

Today’s win is tomorrow’s loss.

Dont spend that money cuz they gave it you on loan.

The wins are never as good as they seem and the losses are never as bad as they seem.

The only way to win at gambling is to stop gambling.

Lol. Some of the ones I’ve heard over the years. Gimme yours. …..👍


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Old joke:

Guy tells his buddy he really needs a winning day.

"I have one for you! Team gave up a month ago. I know that five starters are on the take today. I personally bought off the head referee. Bet everything you have on this game, and borrow even more!"

The guy says, "That's great!.....Now, can you give me another game so I can bet a parlay?"


Registered User
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Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
well, if we're including jokes, the classic is...

Bob is betting basketball, and just getting his ass kicked all season. then baseball starts, and he gets crushed there, too. next up is football and, sure enough, he keeps losing consistently. as football is wrapping up, his bookie wants to keep this guy betting. "just so you know, Bob, I also take bets on hockey." "HOCKEY??," Bob says. "What the hell do I know about hockey??"

philosophy-wise, two things come to mind. 1) Do. Not. Chase. when you're running cold, do not increase your bets. if anything, lower your bets until you straighten things out. my experience has been when you lower your bets, you almost immediately start winning again. funny how that works. and 2) as a general rule, fans of a team are the absolute WORST gage of how that team will perform. as soon as you're betting with your heart instead of your head, you're doomed.
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Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
"Just because the game is on tv........doesn't mean you have to bet on it"

"The Gambling Gods are pricks"

"If you have a parlay, you'll always lose by one game, and it will always be the last game on your ticket"

and for all the religious Madjackers......

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Old School

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Mar 19, 2006
My best friend and gambling cohort from the the days of the GIGANTIC dish in my back yard along w/the 2 tv's moved from the bedroom and guestroom hooked up to cable to watch 3 games at one time in the living room every Sunday had 2 philosophical sayings of many that stuck with me.
Billy Harmon with a beer in one hand and a Marlboro Light in the other....

'' That number is there for a reason."
" Don't ask bad teams to do good things with your money."

I make bets talking to my best friend all the time I sure hope he can still hear me .

Billy did spread sheets for College Football in the early 70's by hand. Ruler and binder
Sharpened the pencil with a box cutter...Beer Rep..back pocket for displays
Yaw'll would have dug Billy !


Forum Member
Feb 7, 2021
True dat !!! Kinda annoying bc you know they don’t really wish you good luck. Lol


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Jan 7, 2002
Knoxville, Tn USA

How the lanes treating you this season?
Got a new nugget last week. Breaking it in tonight.
Had to try something— average is under 200 half way through the season… I suck 🙁
Howdy! Actually, the lanes I bowl at on Thursday nights burned down last Wednesday! You believe that? Talk of us moving to another bowling lanes but not sure how as our league has 32 teams in it. Personally I could care less. Just not in to bowling anymore. The "house shot" is so absurd! 3 units on each board my ass! No oil on the 1st 8 boards...maybe. I'm sure you're finding that hitting the pocket is quite easy but carrying is the tough part. 300 games are passed out like Tic-Tacs. 2-3 shot every Thursday night? C'mon!
Averaging 198 now. I did buy a new ball. I honestly don't know what? Some website had them for $99.00. They pick it out and ship the ball. Now that I think about it, it was a Hammer of some kind?
Hope the Nugget works out for you. I bet tonight goes well. I always liked bowling with a new ball.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. (y)


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
Howdy! Actually, the lanes I bowl at on Thursday nights burned down last Wednesday! You believe that? Talk of us moving to another bowling lanes but not sure how as our league has 32 teams in it. Personally I could care less. Just not in to bowling anymore. The "house shot" is so absurd! 3 units on each board my ass! No oil on the 1st 8 boards...maybe. I'm sure you're finding that hitting the pocket is quite easy but carrying is the tough part. 300 games are passed out like Tic-Tacs. 2-3 shot every Thursday night? C'mon!
Averaging 198 now. I did buy a new ball. I honestly don't know what? Some website had them for $99.00. They pick it out and ship the ball. Now that I think about it, it was a Hammer of some kind?
Hope the Nugget works out for you. I bet tonight goes well. I always liked bowling with a new ball.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. (y)
Wow— that’s not the kind of news I was expecting to hear. Hopefully no one was hurt or killed in the fire.
We had a house burn down about 10 years ago— didn’t rebuild. No need. Number of league bowlers drops every year.
Hear you about the 300s and even 800s being rolled nightly. Not me doing it as I have no concentration while bowling any more. If I wasn’t bowling with the same teammates in the same league we’ve been in the last 25 years, I’d say this is my last season as a league bowler, but I’m sure I’ll be back next year. 🤣
New ball was just what I needed for the 1st 2 games while the oil was still there. 221 and 209. Switched to a less aggressive ball for game 3 and shot 245 for a nice 675 series— only the 2nd set over 625 all season.
Happy holidays to you and yours as well, Nole.


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Forum Member
Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
A lot of good ones!!

Best wagering losing saying for quite awhile......


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