airplanes are one of the most vulnerable targets: use emergency sleeping gas, and they will inject a chemichal antidote before getting on, or will find a way to disable it either before or in flight.
aboout the only thing i can think of is to change the seats into double bunkers and carry everyone in sedated, like when going for surgery. once it lands, give the antidote, give them about 10 minutes, and everyone is off to their destination; a bit groggy, but safe.
one plane for passengers in this state and another one for luggage only.
this may sound funny, but how else can you prevent people from doing strange things on the planes.
btw, ask any ex-felons how you can make knives out of just about anything.
terrorism aside, there are thousands of people who would do anything for noteriety, even die, and now these terrorists have shown how easy it can be done. flight simulators available to all in computers get you on the way, then a little physical training, as these people received, and look what happened. remember the wave of hijackings? once they started, it became an epidemic.
i should have added that as long as we remain a totally "free" society, where we can show all our citizens, plus the rest of the world, whatever diabolical story we can put on film, step by step, and manuals for everything from terrorism to how to make a-bombs, to all kinds of ways to kill a person, we will keep encouraging the weirdos to emulate these.
it has happened over and over in our cities and even small towns, but the all-mighty dollar still rules, over and above logic and consequences, always using our constitution as an excuse. if our forefathers sought the need to make amendments, why are we so short sighted in that respect?
do you think that if our forefathers knew there would be ways to realistically show how to overthrow a government, become a terrorist, how to kill a man in many different ways, and upset and threaten the whole society in general, they would have not made provisions for that? think about it.
we talk about the freedoms in the constitution, but we have laws being made every day by government agencies which in many cases, are in direct conflict with the constitution, yet they are reguarly enforced, people sent to jail, fined unreasonable amounts, etc, unless you have a lot of $$$ resources, then you can challenge it all the way to the supreme court (the feds won't allow it to get there, but rather negotiate, for obvious reasons).
total freedom? what good is it to fight to death for my rights, if this means our freedom being taken away by warped minds, anytime any place. if we want to defend freedom, why don't we allow the freedom for all who want to take all the fricking drugs available and who want to kill themselves with them, rather than kill us to find money to get more? and they will eventually kill themselves, anyway, but take a few of us along as well. let's give them away and cut the crime rate in half!!!
we don't the have freedom to gamble as we choose, but we have the freedom to buy guns and kill each other. why kind of crap is that? we don't have the freedom to enjoy our homestead without some authority imposing taxes on it, no matter how silly it may be.
we don't have the freedom to start any business we want, because too many of them are regulated for no particular reason, other than to gain control over us.
i gotta get off this before i go insane.
[This message has been edited by pepin46 (edited 09-20-2001).]