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Forum Member
May 8, 2008
The country?s newest car company, GM (Government Motors) will roll out their newest model early next year. It?s called the Obamobile.
It is the pride of GM. Like it?s namesake, it looks great, sounds great, but has no horsepower. And like it?s namesake, it?s only source of propulsion is a large supply of hot air. It is designed poorly, was never tested but is expected to sell well because of the tremendous amount of money budgeted for the advertising campaign. It will be very affordably priced at $15,000. (Government subsidies available for low or no income familes or illegal aliens). Price does not include a 97% sales tax. Financing available: 48 months at 735% APR.

It comes euipped with:
-Power Steering
-Power Brakes
-Power Grab
-GPS tracking to monitor your every move (GPS: Gov?t Peeping System)
-Tax Brakes (available only for friends of Obama)
-Automatic Door Locks which open automatically to socialists who can invade your personal space any time they feel like it
-Plenty of cup holders for those tall glasses of Obama Kool-Aid
-Plenty of coin slots to hold all your ?change?
-Large glove compartment to hold all of your stimulus checks (Checks may also be used as spare tires when the government goes bankrupt)
-Three left turn signals. No turning to the right allowed
-A liberal amount of inefficiency and a conservative amount of sensibility
-And finally, it comes with a large screw protruding up through the drivers seat so that as soon as you sit in it, you get the complete feeling of what Obama is doing to you



Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2006
south texas


i put an ad in the paper a couple of months ago. i've sold golf carts on the side for over 25 yrs. obama gas golf cart. runs great but doesn't get anywhere. smokes alittle. only turns left. just having alittle fun. the paper called me and told me i had to change the ad. go figure.