betting tornoto over 8.5
average game total for sed 11.4
" " " halla 9.4
last 3 sed 15.3
last 3 halla 12.6
umpire av. game 9.95 and 7o and 3u with starting total off 8.5
two pitchers are 5o and 1u last 3 each
record 1-1 with no juice lost, good luck
average game total for sed 11.4
" " " halla 9.4
last 3 sed 15.3
last 3 halla 12.6
umpire av. game 9.95 and 7o and 3u with starting total off 8.5
two pitchers are 5o and 1u last 3 each
record 1-1 with no juice lost, good luck