God vs Bush
C Chanman :-?PipeSmokin' Forum Member Dec 28, 1999 2,923 2 0 Just left your house, via the back door! Sep 21, 2004 #1
C Chanman :-?PipeSmokin' Forum Member Dec 28, 1999 2,923 2 0 Just left your house, via the back door! Sep 21, 2004 #2 http://www.carvercodfl.org/articles/WPblackballots11_13_01.htm
S spibble spab NEOCON Forum Member Apr 16, 2004 657 0 0 47 Concord, Michigan Sep 21, 2004 #3 you forgot to add the burmuda triangle if this shit's true. why did gore demand a recount? bush obviously won. thank you for settling a four year-old debate
you forgot to add the burmuda triangle if this shit's true. why did gore demand a recount? bush obviously won. thank you for settling a four year-old debate