Godzilla's Wednesday System Plays - Wins 38 - 0 Losses in 7 Days

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Godzilla 1

Forum Member
Nov 17, 2005
Record: 38 Wins - - 0 Losses All in 7 Days

System: Now that we have gone thru about 40 Games. It's time to start my system.

Explain: I like to bet these Prop plays (Run Scored or No Score) in the 1st INN.

I have been tracking the AL & NL Teams and know how many games a team has gone with or without scoring in the 1st INN.


Florida is aveaging 82% Scoring in the 1st over 40 games. Opp have scored 16 times and they have scored 21 times. and the longest this team has gone without scoring from them or their OPP has been 3 games.

So Far the NL has been ave around 57% and the AL 55%

Last month NL 55% and AL 51%

I too will follow(Chase) a team until I have exceed the longest they have gone with out a score. (Them or Opp). After that it is a lose. if it hits its a win.

Past nights.....

Sun 6 for 8
Mon 5 for 6
Tue 5 for 8
Wed 7 for 8
Thur 3 for 6
Friday 7 for 14
Saturday 12 for 16
Sunday 7 for 15
Monday 1 for 4
Tuesday 3 for 8


Todays(Tuesday) Games:

Game 1 Chase

Fld(3) vs Phila
Pitt(4) vs ST. Louis

Game 2 Chase

Cinn(3) vs Wash
Atlanta(3) vs Mets

Game 3 Chase

Mil(4) vs LA Dodgers
Houston(4) vs. San Fran
AZ(3) vs Col

Stay Away

San Diego vs Cubs

Tuesday % .... AL 50% NL 62%.

AL: Play Oakland - NO Score - They have the lowest % for them and their OPP = 33% - Keep Playing...

Good Luck!!!!!
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Registered User
Forum Member
May 16, 2007


so how do you read this? what do these mean
Game 1 Chase

Fld(3) vs Phila
Pitt(4) vs ST. Louis

Game 2 Chase

Cinn(3) vs Wash
Atlanta(3) vs Mets

Game 3 Chase

Mil(4) vs LA Dodgers
Houston(4) vs. San Fran
AZ(3) vs Col

Basically how to I read this and know what to bet on? thanks
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Registered User
Forum Member
May 16, 2007


so i am very close to getting this... let me just check a few things with you. so you bet on the Florida game to score in the first, the pitt game, the cinn game, atl game, mil, houston, and az game. all to score in the first?? only thing is what does game 1, 2, 3, chase mean?

you went 5-2 tonight?
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Godzilla 1

Forum Member
Nov 17, 2005
so i am very close to getting this... let me just check a few things with you. so you bet on the Florida game to score in the first, the pitt game, the cinn game, atl game, mil, houston, and az game. all to score in the first?? only thing is what does game 1, 2, 3, chase mean?

you went 5-2 tonight?

This is Chase format...and the (#) next to the team is the number the team or their opp has gone without scoring in the 1st inn. It ddoesn't become a loss untill the (#) exceeds it.

Arizona(3) Means it must come in on tonight on Game 4