Going to Hong Kong next month. Any Travelers tips?

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Oct 21, 2002
First time going anywhere international. Just wondering if anyone has been to Hong Kong. What the experience was like and what places do you recommend seeing.

Gotta admit I'm a little nervous because of the war situation, but the trip was planned and paid for last summer. Can't let a little thing like a silly war stop me. I must be crazy. :(


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
Say Hi to Hong Kong Phooey!

Sorry no info, but have a great trip!
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Nov 4, 2000
First thing is they will be very nice to you. It has changed some since China took HK back 6 years ago. But I dont think you will tell the differance. You have nice new Airport to land at that they built manly on land reclaimed from the sea. The old airport was some ride. You landed going right between buildings. Yes they were a little distance from you. However you felt like you could look in there windows and see them eating breakfast. HK is a large over populated city like NY. Its fast moving. You will see all places as you do at home when it comes to fast foods. But go down by the harbor and eat on one of there floating resturants its fun and good food. Also see if you can take a aro ride a boat that slips acrose the top of the water. You can take this ride some times to alittle island call Macu. There you will find gambling, even a horse track. That is if the Chines have left this as it was. Last time in HK for me was 7 years ago. Some of the best shopping you will fine anywhere is in HK. GL


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Oct 21, 2002
Thanks for your reply DJV, I will definitely check out one of those floating restaurants and probably take a ferry ride across the harbor.

Best of luck on your plays in B-ball. :D
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Place just outside of Honk Kong called Shenzheng. People been moving from Hong Kong to there in droves because MUCH cheaper to live and they have rail that commutes takes about 15 minutes.However you will need Visa to get into China as you won't need one for Hong Kong. HK quite a hustle and bustle and tourist orinated. Was there in Aug but spent most of time in southern China,Nanning, Gaungzhou,Macau (gambling meca of china) and is there is island off southern coast called Hainan which is same weather as Hawaii.Gorgeous.Do not worry about being treated badly. Have never been treated better anywhere than China.
1st airport stop freaked me as they have lines like everywhere for customs. As I went to get in line the called me over to line where there was no one else and I thought,oh oh here we go.
BUT is was done as convenience to me so I would not have to wait and they pushed me right thru,no inspection or questions.Same at other 4 airports I went thru.Absolutely loved the place. Will head back this year and if Hilliary is every elected will probably retire there on Island of Hainan. You can live like king on $500 a month,no shit.
If you decide to go into China,do not rent a car.I had taxi driver that pulled up at 6am to where I stayed each day and was personal driver for entire day for $8.
---- and best massage I ever had for $1.80
Note There is virus in Hong Kong and Gaungdong province currently that has been fatal in some cases. They just found it is caused by virus originating from chickens.Should be under control when you arrive.Do not drink their water and do not brush your teeth with tap water.Don't worry about ice as they make it all from bottled water.
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ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
I see in your post that this will be your first time out of the country.....Can't offer any tips about Hong Kong, but I can offer some tips about traveling out of the country...... you don't say if its a business or pleasure trip, but either way make sure you pack plenty of T-shirts, pairs of socks and a pair of sneakers are essentials to take with you....... If you are seeing the sites, no one cares if you are dressed up....comfort is the key....you can always change clothes back at the hotel before dinner......also, don't forget to pack some imodium or pepo bismol...must haves...if you have a backpack, take it along as well....it comes in handy when you are spending all day out of the hotel and its easier to stash your guidebooks, bottle of water, etc in a backpack than it is to try and carry everything. Enjoy your trip.


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Oct 21, 2002
DTB: Thanks for replying. We were gonna try to make a visit to southern China, but enlight of the war situation our group didn't want to take that chance. Believe me I was disappointed with that decision. Will be looking out for some good deals on massages. ;)

Redsfann: Thanks for replying. I will definitely take note of your suggestions. Especially about the water situation and using a backpack. This trip is also a pleasure trip with no business allowed.
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