Good evening Selkirk...

Equity Trader

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Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
I agree that their will not be an oil embargo,that would be stretching it to far.

The only country that needs to disrupt the oil production is Iraq, which controls 6% of the worlds output,enough to cause the west a great deal of problems.Would that happen,who knows.Saddam is an individual who would try just to make a point and really doesn't care about his people or his economy.The aid for oil is already showing that most of it go's to him and his croonies,with some that does filter down.

Arafat is the problem and his philosophy on peace is based on the old school thought of violence to achieve it.Will other Arab nations get involved,I doubt it,but the radical splinter groups are determined not to have peace and it is because of these groups that make peace so difficult in that area of the world.After all,that is where the three religions started and the most deeply hated and dispised and contempt that people have for each other and it has been going on for 3000 years and will continue until there is no more.

Israel has the ball and is very keen on keeping it and I don't blame them,since they have been kicked around for that many years and it is about time that they did something more than that march they did 50 years ago.

Saudi Arabia,yes it will take years before that breaks up.Their family is very large and it's their youth in the family that really enjoy what we have in the what they call the decadent west,nothing but a bunch of hypercrites if you ask me.

Opec,now there is a commitee that really does not bow to what the west says.They have shown in the past,that their interests come first and output is based on what they feel is to their best benefit and will not be dictated too.

New production if it were to start tomorrow is still five years off.I feel the price of oil will stay at these present levels at least through March 2001,then it will drop somewhat.But the slowing of the economy is already showing signs and corporate profits are already being factored into the market.The ero is falling against the dollar making it very difficult for borrowing and expansion,thus in turn will hamper ecomomic growth,but it will be a slow process and all is based on the oil factor and the severity of this winter season.

The new economy had it's tree shaken and the week companies ie .coms have been taken out and it will be this sector that will show the biggest gain.If this continues,the economy slowing up,Greenspan will lower interest rates probably in the first quarter of next year and the severity of this depends on how much he lowers it,25% 50%.

But after all said and done,I am and will always be an optimist and very bullish on the market.I believe in the market no matter what shape it is in,as there will always be opportunities and companies to invest in.

Selkirk,That is a rough take on it in my view and if you ever visit Raging Bull,the stock message board,look me handle is VAROK and some of my companies are FONX,ZKEM,DNAP,ARET,SVRI.

Good luck and solid investing.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
I agree with most of your points Equity Trader.

the two Israel soldiers killed by the mob after their were in police custody, should have never happened.

you may hate your enemy but if you are ever going to be a nation you can never allow a mob to exact revenge "justice".

by the way the arabs meet today in Egypt (I believe) the countries calling for a holy war are (IRAQ, LIBYA, and YEMEN). is that the same Yemen that is a so called "safe port" for US ships, with friends like that, who need enemies.

You are correct on Saddam, as long as he gets his money his people can starve, which they are doing. actually Saddam will survive probably for a long time, Turkey is even looking to improving relations and shipping Iraq oil. I do not know all of the issues but apparently they are upset about a motion being passed by the US government.
The sanctions have achieved nothing, and are a joke, if they wanted to get rid of Saddam they could have done it at the end of the Gulf War.

I am to bullish on the markets always will be, I describe myself as a worried bull, always something to worry about, but in the end the market will go higher.

I never did like most .coms. Use to short Amazon, stopped around 6-8 months ago. still do not care for the company.

mainly post here and at another small forum and on a even Smaller Cdn. investment site. I like it, sometimes on bigger forums you have people who just want to attack others, especially if they say something different.

Use to do the odd post on Silicon Investor, but that site has really been quiet, especially the Cdn. investment section.

It is hard as a Canadian to understand most of the issues, since they fight over such small amounts of land, sometimes just acres in certain locations. where I live you can buy land cheap, great land, lakes, trees. enough babbling.


Equity Trader

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Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Selkirk,where do you live in Canada,I have lived in Canada for over 7 years, in Ontario.The towns,the last one being Frankford and Almonte.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
I live in northwestern Ontario. Of coarse most of Europe fits in that region. I live about an hour outside that large city of Thunder Bay
. It is also more commonly referred to as the Lakehead.

Where I live Kakabeka Falls, but that area cover miles and miles of land. Kakabeka Falls is a provincial park, that is 30 minutes from me.

I have lived in Winnipeg (living hell,acuatly nice people and great city just terribly cold, and I am use to -40. Toronto (like the city, but hate large cities, traffic, ect.) spent some time in Vancouver (amazing how that place has grown).

where are the towns you mentioned Southern Ontario?


Equity Trader

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
They are located,sort of S.W. of Ontario.

I know how it is living in the city,I now live in the mountains,where it is nice and peaceful.
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