Good Information about Croatia

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Forum Member
Feb 24, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
In sifting through all the media coverage available on the World Cup, occasionally you will find some jewels of very valuable information. Here is one such case:

Croatia forward Alen Boksic has described the atmosphere in the camp as "horrible and awful" and admitted his side have no chance against Italy on Saturday.

Boksic was asked about the atmosphere in the squad, to which he said: "Do I really have to say anything about that? To put it simply, the atmosphere is horrible and awful. It?s better if I keep quiet about it.

"The situation in our squad is absolutely terrible, there is pessimism. It is foolish for us to encourage ourselves for the clash against the Italians. In this state, we can only dream of beating them, or even playing for a draw."

Team-mate Mario Stanic would not be drawn on the situation in the squad for fear of recriminations. "I don?t want to talk. Because if I did really say what I?m thinking and what is going on, it would be a breach of the rules and chaos would follow," he said.

One member of Croatia?s backroom staff, who insisted on anonymity, told that Jozic is not prepared to listen to other opinions or hear proposals to change anything.

To hear sources from the inside of a team admit stuff like this is rare and very good cause to bet against them. If you can find a good price on the Italians on Saturday then that is a solid play.

Also, if the Croats get knocked out then an even better play will be to bet on Ecuador against them in the final game where good prices will be available and it is likely that the players will send a message to their coach with a lackluster performance.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
now that you bring them are some poll results I just found at Croatian sites:

will Croatia reach the 2nd stage
no - 68%
yes - 27%
don't know - 5%

prior to the Mexico game - will Croatia beat Mexico
yes - 64
no - 25
draw - 11

So as you can see they are generaly very patriotic :p

Actually they don't sound that pessimistic in the papers, the atmosphere has reportedly calmed down.
They are going to field an offensive line-up with three strikers (Boksic, Suker, Rapaic). Blazevic estimates their chances at 65-35 but he has always been a joker :D

I still like the under, not many teams will score against Italians.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 24, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
Followup: I've learned that the Croatia coach has already announced he will leave at the end of the World Cup to coach a team in Chile, so this means that players will be less motivated to tank the last game in order to show him up. Tough to say if this angle has merit anymore with this new information.


I am embarassed to say that I *almost* did not understand your post :)