good news in Iraq- Violence is down

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Oct 1, 2006
Guess these boys just arent getting along

BAGHDAD ? A suicide attacker killed at least 32 men gathered in eastern Baghdad Tuesday to mourn the death of a retired Iraqi army officer, a Shiite who was slain last week in a car bombing blamed on al-Qaida in Iraq.

The attack was a reminder of the dangers that persist despite Baghdad's recent decline in violence and of the peril for any mass gathering in a country where the bereaved often find themselves targets.

In a New Year's message from London, where he flew last week for what his office described as routine medical tests, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said that "we witnessed sorrow and pain in 2007, but with the effort and brotherhood of Iraqis as well their insistence to wake up, the year ended with victories and successes."

He added that he hoped 2008 will "further boost national unity and cooperation" among Iraq's political parties, sects and ethnic groups.

The government, which has sought to reconcile Iraq's often warring Shiites and Sunnis, took a tiny step toward national reconciliation by sending a draft amnesty bill to the parliament speaker Tuesday. But the bill drafted by the Shiite-dominated government falls far short of Sunni demands. It covers less than a quarter of those held in Iraqi prisons, and none of those held by the American military.

Sunni parliamentarians have criticized the bill for its limited scope. They have argued that most prisoners are charged with terrorist crimes, rendering it ineffective. Some also fear referring the bill to Iraq's gridlocked parliament will actually delay prisoner releases.

In Tuesday's bombing the east Baghdad neighborhood of Zayouna, a mixed Shiite and Sunni district, a man loaded with explosives walked into a funeral tent outside the home of Nabil Hussein Jassim, a retired army officer killed along with another 13 people in a car bombing in downtown Baghdad's Tayaran Square on Friday.

All 32 people killed by the suicide bomber were men, police and ambulance officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release details of the bombing. The attack resembled those carried out by al-Qaida in past years, when men in suicide vests targeted funeral tents or processions. Tents are usually erected outside the homes of those whose died or outside mosques and are usually filled with male friends and relatives of the deceased.

It was the fourth large bombing to target Iraqi civilians or members of the predominantly Sunni tribal movement known as Awakening Councils in the past 10 days. A suicide bomber targeting members of the U.S.-funded movement killed 12 people on Monday in Tarmiyah, just north of Baghdad.

The groups have been credited with helping slash violence across the country by 60 percent since June. The other key contributors were an inflow of 30,000 additional U.S. troops and a cease-fire called by radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

In other violence Tuesday, eight bullet-riddled bodies were found around Iraq. Separately, the bodies of a Sunni policeman and four of his relatives were found in a village north of Baghdad hours after gunmen abducted them from their home.

Iraq's government released statistics on the number of civilians and security force members it said were killed in 2007.

According to figures released Monday by the Iraqi government, 16,232 civilians, 432 soldiers and about 1,300 Iraqi policeman died in 2007. The previous year, according to the figures compiled by the health, defense and interior ministries, 12,371 civilians, 603 soldiers and 1,224 policeman were killed.

The government's figures were roughly in line with


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Sep 27, 2005
January 3, 2008
Thursday: 3 Soldiers, 36 Iraqis Killed; 26 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 7:00 p.m. EST, Jan. 3, 2008

Although the surge in bombings continues in Baghdad, the latest attacks have not resulted in any significant amount of casualties. Overall, at least 36 Iraqis were killed and 26 more were wounded across Iraq. Three U.S. soldiers were killed and one was injured in separate incidents. Meanwhile, the Iraqi Army ordered an indefinite vehicle ban throughout Diyala province due to the security situation.

Two American soldiers were killed and another was injured during a small arms attack today in Diyala province. Another U.S. soldier was killed south of Baghdad in an explosion yesterday.

In Baghdad, three unidentified bodies were found. Three people were killed four were wounded during a roadside bombing in Zaafaraniya. In New Baghdad, a roadside bomb wounded four street cleaners. A Katyusha rocket killed one person and injured two others as it struck Washash. Clashes between Iraqi army soldiers and a neighborhood patrol in Adhamiya left three wounded patrolmen. U.S. forces killed one person, in front of his family, and detained nine others during operations in al-Wehda. In Sadr City, no casualties were reported during an explosion that targeted a Sadrist MP. Also, no casualties were reported in a roadside bombing targeting U.S. forces in al-Naayeriya.

Three Awakening (Sahwa) council members were wounded when gunmen attacked their Hawija checkpoint.

In Amiriyat Fallujah, a civilian was kidnapped. Meanwhile, a U.S. soldier was wounded while conducting a controlled detonation of a roadside bomb.

A Peshmerga fighter described as a mental patient stormed an Arbil home killing four family members and wounding two more.

A body belonging to an Iraqi athlete was found south of Baghdad in al-Wahda.

In Basra, a gunshot-riddled corpse, belonging to a woman, was discovered. Over a dozen bodies belonging to women who ignore Sharia law are found each month in the city.

U.S. forces killed seven suspects in Muqdadiyah.

In al-Ghalibiyah, U.S. troops fired upon a car that suddenly came at them from a side road. Two people in the car died, but it is not believed that they were intending harm.

U.S. troops shot and killed a man crossing a street near a gas factory in central Baquba.

Three policemen were killed and four were wounded when a rocket-propelled grenade struck their checkpoint in Mosul's Eden neighborhood.

In Tal Afar, a roadside bomb blasted a convoy carrying the police chief. U.S. troops engaged in gunfire after the explosion. Two civilians, one a child, were killed.

Iraqi police in Diyala province detained 29 suspects and confiscated 16 bomb-carrying automobiles. The Iraqi Army ordered an indefinite vehicle ban.

A civilian was wounded in a drive-by motorcycle attack in Tuz Khormato.

Uniformed men abducted three people froma home in Morjana village yesterday. The bodies of a father and son were found today.

One policeman was killed and another injured in Zghaniyah.

A booby-trapped home in Khalis killed six Iraqi soldiers and wounded two more.
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