jordan davidson a grad school walk on takes the shot. what's the big deal? he can tell his kids he scored in final four. at least he was not trying to dunk on them like hanesflopper tried to do to duke as time was running out in blowout win. remember what henderson did to stop that? go to you tube if ouy want to see it again.last night plumee could have gone in for dunk with 10 seconds to go but pulled up. classy move don't you think?
at least he was not trying to dunk on them like hanesflopper tried to do to duke as time was running out in blowout win. remember what henderson did to stop that?
a douchebag complains because a walk on takes a 3 pt shot as clock is running down.
did not condone the henderson play. but it was either classless to try and dunk the ball or it was justified to try and block the shot. maybe it was both.