Great work, gang!

Dudley Stew

Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 10, 2001
Hey guys, I just wanted to stop in and say hello. Naturally, as MJ's appointed mood coordinator, I have been keeping a close eye on things, but I have pretty much been keeping quiet lately.

I have to say that i'm really impressed with the vibe of this board in the last month or so. You can literally see the positive mojo dripping from the well-placed banners (Feng Shui style-as I recommended a long time ago)around the site.

Although things got a bit edgy about a week ago, I decided to let it play out instead of getting involved like I usually do. As expected, things blew over and the great picks/mojo/vibes snapped right back like a taut rubber band. SNAP!! I love that sound, guys, and you should also.

Some of the bitter feelings can be understood if one listens to the Blink 182 song, "Dysentary Gary", where they sing, "he's a player, a diarrhea giver". Perhaps that's how some of us project our avarice. That is, we acknowledge that somebody is a "player", yet they give us the runs. This is only a natural instinct. After all, we are all human beings with emotions. Never forget, we are not robots.

In closing, I would like to quote the rock band "3 doors down" when I offer, "If I could be like that, I would give anything".

Well, if I could be like most of you guys, *I* would give anything.

Keep up the great work, guys!!!

You bud,

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