Don't forget about the Real Men of Genius commercials.
Mr. Bad Toupee Wearer:
"You think it looks real. We know it wouldn't look anymore fake if it had a chin strap."
Mr. Chinese Food Delivery Guy:
"Armed with your rickety bike, you battle traffic, bad weather, and the occasional busted elevator. And why do you do it? Because somewhere some guy is waiting for his kung pow crab puffs, and he's got a dollar fifty seven with your name on it."
Mr. Male Football Cheerleader:
"Real men don't just play smash mouth football, real men turn cartwheels and somersaults on the sidelines, tucked safely away from the action...fourth down and inches, the game's on the line, it all comes down to you. Will you call for a perky pyramid, or a line dance?"
Hilarious shit.