Greenbay is a joke

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Jan 27, 2010
42 total yards in 3 quarters. What is even more sad is they are still in the game.
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the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
i had no wager on the SIDE of this i honestly have no problems with either team...

but If im Thompson, im having a meeting with McCarthy

This team has been spoiled by good QB play with Rodgers the past few years....the first time they face a little adversity, they literally curl up in a ball....I mean this team quit so badly in the 4th.....reggie bush who is all style and no power was running thru tackles and over defenders....only time that happens is when a team doesn't wanna be there....

If the first time they have to deal with what most teams deal with everyyear (average QB play), and it is only 4 weeks, and they still cannot man up and win a game, I am not sure you have the guys to win a title....

I love Rodgers, and probably would start a frachise with him at this point with his still youthful and energized body....the guy can make every throw and is honestly amazing.....but Greenbay is far to dependent on him, as seen today......I mean if you go from dominating the Vikings for years, and winning most games by 20+, and one guy is out and you at some points of the game get dominated, well you are too dependent on one person......

I quietly root for the packers out of the Rodgers....but man this was sad today and the past 2 weeks to see how they react to losing rodgers


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May 11, 2003
i had no wager on the SIDE of this i honestly have no problems with either team...

but If im Thompson, im having a meeting with McCarthy

This team has been spoiled by good QB play with Rodgers the past few years....the first time they face a little adversity, they literally curl up in a ball....I mean this team quit so badly in the 4th.....reggie bush who is all style and no power was running thru tackles and over defenders....only time that happens is when a team doesn't wanna be there....

If the first time they have to deal with what most teams deal with everyyear (average QB play), and it is only 4 weeks, and they still cannot man up and win a game, I am not sure you have the guys to win a title....

I love Rodgers, and probably would start a frachise with him at this point with his still youthful and energized body....the guy can make every throw and is honestly amazing.....but Greenbay is far to dependent on him, as seen today......I mean if you go from dominating the Vikings for years, and winning most games by 20+, and one guy is out and you at some points of the game get dominated, well you are too dependent on one person......

I quietly root for the packers out of the Rodgers....but man this was sad today and the past 2 weeks to see how they react to losing rodgers

Rodgers is easily the most important player to his team out of all the players in the nfl. To not have a plan in case he got hurt might cost mccarthy his job.
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Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
Last post, driving to my turkey and listening to packer post game and fan call in. Pure gold for a Viking fan, most irrational, delusional fans and that's why I can't stand pack.

Done with the ribbing cause after all I do bleed purple. I think xyZ got me more charged or it's the Monster