Guess the is your friend


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
02-09-2007, 06:33 PM

Hello i havent posted in a while but since i been making huge money in the NBA like i do every year i decided to come back and help everyone out. Now i have been documented on other sites with hitting at an unbelievable percentage but that doesnt matter because that's in the past. Well i have for you today a lock and when i say lock it comes in, unlike others who can't even spell lock. Now i bet 1st and 2nd halfs in the NBA which i call the warren buffet method of the NBA. Now this is the break down, it hits 75% for first half and a whopping 96% for second halfs. Now i will give you a lock that will hit for us all guarantee at half!!!! As soon as the game hits half i will release it.

its half...ready for the BIG PLAY:

This game is at half and it's nothing less then a steal and money maker for all. SAN ANTONIO 2ND HALF -.5 -------- If you havent been watching the game or at least paying attention to it then this game is passing you by and you need to wake up and take this money... Guarantee lock from xxxxx

game obviously does something 96 percent lose:

This game was a fluke and a disgrace to basketball... hopefully it goes into overtime but we will see... I am here to post the system and i will give a layout of the betting format and if it is followed then everyone who takes the plays will be collecting from their book every week. Sorry guys for this stinker but it had promise... I promise the next one will be a winner

03-04-2007, 08:10 AM

hello men and women i have been away for some time but i left off on a loss and when that happens i always make up for it. I have never lost 2 games in a row posting on the forums in the last 2 years and i surely dont expect to lose this game! Its been a week or so but it will certainly be worth the wait. I will post the play around 11:20 soo everyone can get the play in on time if your interested in making money. see you soon

inevitably it loses:


what the **** just happened in that game... are you ****ing shitting me boston was up 10 ... This might be one of the worst losses i ever encountered!!!!!.. Men dont worry i will make it up .. That was just a shit loss by 1 pt... wtf im gonna need therapy

Personally I hate you and all that you stand for. You make a mockery of this place, but you are comical and for that i salute you


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
maybe this guy can help the other forum genius hit his elusive and mysterious 17 in a row :mj07:

like it ever happened

tout wannabeez kill me:142smilie
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