

Myth Legend
Forum Member
Apr 15, 2001


Let me make that more clear,

You are a zero

Even less considering the time you must have invested to prove it.

Little girly girl


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico

Here's one of your threads where you espouse anti-Semitic views Which View ..Spell it out !!!!!!!! followed by your mention of having great Jewish friends. I'm having trouble finding the one about tipping. Anyway, you asked, so here you go.

Thanks good Job........Re Read many of the posts... Now what did i say that possibly makes me a racist.... Instead of reacting likke Ar spell out what i said that makes me racist I did not read any thing that even today is not true Now can we discuss this without name calling U want to see racism...Go spend a few days in the West Bank.. It'll break your heart..Wd love to take AR there by the collar and have him justify whats happening there.

We can discuss this furthur if you like without going off with stupid unsubstantiated comments... keep it civil or i'm sure we will end up in u know where or we can stop here....ur choice Had some one once say that only an idiot calls some one else an idiot because he has nothing to say himslf. One of my other endeavors is to talk to people around the world and hear their viewpoints on how they see things I have Turks Syrian and Jordanian Palestinians as friends Many of my friends have sons that served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I go to a local VFW post to get a prspective from vets My electrician lost all 3 of his sons on their 3rd tours of duty Now get AR in here and have him .inform us about how many Jewish sons have had that fate. One of the 3 sons enlisted and 2 got caught up from the reserves One ..of my lifetime Jewish friends when I asked him about this answered........ Jews are just scared.... During the Iraq war there was an HBO special if i recall from Ramstein Germany where American boys were about to leave us. Various Priests Pastors etc The Muslim faith were there Reporter asked why no Rabbi ANS : Never had a fallen Jewish GI Years ago when i had contacts in the military i once saw a report of casualies in V iet Nam by faith The one that stuck out was 278 Jewish... 50,000 American boys died way more Muslims died. i tthink 20 % of the casualties were black twice what their % population is approx This is all just fact which was the whole point of the original topic Jews do not fight in Americas wars Don Rickles served and Addmiral Rickover who said the same thing i have stated and he was a Jew.... Fact he was the one that peaked my interest in the subject.. Ok AR get ur tail out of retirement.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Anytime you generalize an entire group of people as a whole and speak in generalities like it applies to them all, you are espousing racist/prejudiced/discriminatory viewpoints. If you replaced Jewish with African American/Hispanic etc. in those threads it might be more clear to you, I'm not sure? The classic thing also is to talk about all your friends and acquaintances of the same group that you know to disprove your prejudicial bias and belief.

You have posted multiple examples of this in the above thread and others, and I have proven the point I was making and shown you as requested. There's no reason to break it down any more because it's like trying to discuss calculus with a squirrel.
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