I think it's really interesting that so many people who were never in the service - especially those that went out of their way to avoid it - are so outspoken about torture and waterboarding, etc. We can start with Hannity and Cheney, for instance. I think Hannity's offhanded joking around about doing it says a lot about his true character and I'll be extremely surprised if he puts his mouth where his waterBS is. It's easy to say the crap he says, hiding behind a camera, but it's not so easy to follow through with your comments - much like Rush ridiculing drug abusers while being the very same thing.
If he's smart, he'll hopefully keep quiet and hope this passes...or better yet, he can prove his "toughness" and "courage" and support the troops by following through with it. That would actually show me a lot, but I won't hold MY breath waiting for that...