Happy Hippo


Forum Member
Nov 9, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Please come back! You were by far the best capper on this site. Please dont let a worthless troll like NBA Kid drive you away from this great site. He's already been outed as a terrible capper with "little dick syndrome". If you retire from posting then you let the trolls win.

There are many of us here who have been following your plays and killing it! Even when you lose its usually by a few points, some freak plays or free throws.

Come back soon HH. This site wont be the same without you.


That'll play
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2002
Well said and totally agree

Those that are negative will be swolled by it themselves

Health and happiness and happy capping


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2006
Hey not stepping on any toes here but give her a break she didn't post for 1 day...Sometimes we have other things in life we have to do...Some take the cold streak to heart and don't want to post during the cold streak,maybe she is just waiting it out!!!Sure she will be back soon.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 14, 2011
Hey not stepping on any toes here but give her a break she didn't post for 1 day...Sometimes we have other things in life we have to do...Some take the cold streak to heart and don't want to post during the cold streak,maybe she is just waiting it out!!!Sure she will be back soon.

Seriously and she was active on the site in a different thread today.


Forum Member
Nov 9, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Hey not stepping on any toes here but give her a break she didn't post for 1 day...Sometimes we have other things in life we have to do...Some take the cold streak to heart and don't want to post during the cold streak,maybe she is just waiting it out!!!Sure she will be back soon.

I saw a post where she said she was taking a break from capping. All Im saying is hopefully she comes back soon.


Move the line!
Forum Member
May 4, 2005
Bellevue, Nebraska
HH, it's good to take a break every once in a while, we all need a break every once in a while.

Havin dun diz stuff for over 30 years, it can grind on one's internal mind, writing stuff down, keeping good notes, getting trends, tracking results, yadda yadda, its' all great stuff, it's what you are good at and anyone that likes to cap any sport likes to do, you've been successful at this stuff I'm sure quite longer than I know, since I only started reading your stuff since I came back before football season ended the regular season, but you know your basketball stuff. I find everything you post valuable for what it's worth.

Those that don't like to post their records or put a lil remark as to why they are playing a side/total etc., either one, they are guessing, or two, they don't wanna give out any information as to why, or three they have absolutely no clue and are bucking the trend of what the money is being played.

I hate basketball but I like the adrenaline of the action of keeping my mind sharp and sometimes I win and sometimes I lose, to me it don't matter, no one pays me for my picks, but those that locally know me will buy me a beer or give me some allowance money to spend on my favorite stuff every once in a while ;) !!

We'll look forward to your posts as always and for my 2 cents, anyone who gets banned, probably shouldn't be allowed back, ATB won't let me on their site because they said I was a service, BobbyB's site kicked me off after Kev got his pannies in an uproar for me and another person having a disagreement on something totally stupid, and if hindsight were 20/20, I would have just kept my fingers shut and let that person just keep talking about how much they pumped their chest and won this, won that and when they were proven to be using 8 different user names to post on their message boards, wallah, Uncle Wild Bill was right for one time, LOL! But kiddin aside, good luck and I look forward to your posts!!

Later gater!!

I need to start my garden soon too, jalapenos, roma tomatoes, but I think Ma Nature is gonna snow on us again so i'm gonna wait for a bit.


WB :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 2, 2005
she'll be back, she just wanted a little time off after a bad week...we all have 'em....but her a LOT less than others, as I think we all have said and agree to that she is one of the most studied and insightful NBA cappers on this site....I rarely even read what others have to say here because if she's posting, well, why complicate things with others opinions....if you're reading this Hippo, enjoy your down time, and we'll all welcome you back (with a virtual parade) when you're ready.....sometimes we all need to just step back for even a day just to clear the head and gain fresh perspective.....as some other capper on this site always says..."g'luckburgh".... and GO WARRIORS!:0008


That'll play
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2002
Yes very true, always good to have a break and always good to express respect, with or without break, i.e. Kobe posts

Cheers and go leafs

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Long day, just got kids to bed... never realized a three year old could talk so much...

Just to make it clear, my break from capping has no relation to NBA Kid and his bashing - people who have to bash others on a forum such as this must have bigger personal issues, and I honestly feel sorry for these people. I'm just in the middle of a bad streak, so not trying to post a bunch of losers for others to tail. I try to only post the best stuff, and for me, that means realizing when I need to step back and reevaluate my strategy.

I'm sure I will be back - I love this game too much! And, I will definitely give insight/thoughts whenever I can in the meantime.

WildBill is a smart man, and everything he said is right on. This is a grind - especially the way I cap. I listen to press conferences every night, read team news every day, read twitter feeds all day, search trends and stats, etc. etc. It takes a lot of time, and sometimes it is good to take a break. For me, it is like a grown up logic puzzle to try to decipher all this stuff (I used to live on those when I was little).

Anyway, thanks for all the kind words. Great site and group of people we have on here!


Kobe :00hour


Move the line!
Forum Member
May 4, 2005
Bellevue, Nebraska
Kobe :00hour
Kobe? Really? It took me 15 years to like this kid!! LOL, just busting your chops HH!! Thanks for comin back to give us all some insight!!

I used to hate someone called Dave Cowens!! If anyone remembers him in this forum beside, you, Jack, Vinnie, IE and Old School, I will be really surprised!!


Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Kobe? Really? It took me 15 years to like this kid!! LOL, just busting your chops HH!! Thanks for comin back to give us all some insight!!

I used to hate someone called Dave Cowens!! If anyone remembers him in this forum beside, you, Jack, Vinnie, IE and Old School, I will be really surprised!!


haha, Cowens was a little before my time on earth... I had to ask the husband for reference on that one, lol!



Forum Admin
Forum Member
Mar 15, 1999

Standing: Mark Volk (assistant manager), Samuel Kane, Paul Westphal, Phil Hankinson, Steve Downing, Don Nelson, Hank Finkel, Steve Kuberski, Art Williams, Thomas Silva (medical director), Frank Challant (manager).
Seated: Jo Jo White, Don Chaney, John Havlicek, Red Auerbach (president/general manager), Robert Schmertz (director), Tom Heinsohn (head coach), Dave Cowens, Paul Silas, John Killilea (assistant coach)

Can hear the late Johnny Most calling Cowens games like they were yesterday

Classic Most:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AHf5yG7gO3k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Forum Admin
Forum Member
Mar 15, 1999
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mtzgGuEwZBs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Move the line!
Forum Member
May 4, 2005
Bellevue, Nebraska
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mtzgGuEwZBs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Good stuff IE!! LOL Thanks!

HH, a little before your time? WOWZER!! Keep it up then kid! no pun intendoed!! oh ;)

Thanks for all you do!!

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