Has a book 'No Actioned' a bet because of a wrong line? - What the hell?


Phil Turcotte

I took advantage tonight of a line that I thought was off by a couple points. Since I have a half dozen or so books to look at, it was pretty easy to find it. I would guess this happens once or twice a week that I find a difference like this.

Anyway, the book manager emails me, of course, after the bet had already gone off, to tell me it was no actioned. The line was not 'off', it was 'wrong' (of course it was like this all day) and instead of betting it if I had emailed them about the incorrect line I would have gotten a bonus.

I compare so many lines during the day, am I supposed to email each of them everytime I find a couple points difference? Is this just standard practice now?


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2001
Toronto, Canada
Really depends on how many points the line was off by. If it's only a half point or full point, then I would look for another book. Otherwise, it's a blatant mistake and you are trying to cheat the book. I'm sure if you read your Agreement, you'll see that they cover their ass by having the option to "cancel" your wager in such an event.

Would be easier to answer your question if you gave us the actual line.

BTW, regardless if the game has started or not. If it's a mistake in the line (some book had Cincy at +17 tonight instead of -17), they'll cancel your book. Also be aware that if you try cheating the book and they catch you. You could be black listed in their files.

Win $$ by picking winners, not by looking for others' mistakes. If you can't do it using the former method, don't bet at all.

Phil Turcotte

I dont know what you were insinuating, though I am hardly cheating the book - but I'm doing just fine picking winners, thanks for asking.

The line was -.5. Most books had the line at -2.5 to -3.5.

So what you are saying is that if you find a line that is off by 1.5 to 2 points, you will ask the book before betting it? The whole point of having more than one book is to shop lines.

If I have to go around asking them each time I find one thats different what the hell is the point? They might as well all post the same damn lines.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
phil go read my statement under college hoops, its under big book some or other has cinn+16 and see what i said,you fall ito the i would be calling case. thats a stance not a bad line they got caught on a move or werenot buying the line that others had.

Phil Turcotte

Fletcher, dont really know what category you are putting me in, but I would not bet a 36 point mistake. However I *routinely* shop around for an extra point here are there.

As I posted in my above reply what is the cutoff?

Is it my fault the book gets caught on a line move or is too lazy/busy to update all their lines? This line was up all afternoon/evening and was just cancelled after start time. Sorry but I dont consider 2 points to be trying to cheat the book. I consider it good work on my part to cap the game and find the best line. Now if I bet them at +15 or some obvious difference, thats another story. But that is not the case here.

Phil Turcotte

Ah OK. The line was the first half line, Dallas -.5

When the line first opened I found -2 and -3. By the time I left work, the line was -2.5, but at my book it was -.5, so I bet it - for a whole $30 (just so no one thinks I tried to "pound" their mistake).

I mean cancelling a lazy line for $30?


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
write the book down leave it for 1 min so i can see the edit it out ,i can go back and check it to see if they judt didnot catch the move when everyone got scaried when garnnett was said to be out.and want to see if they were following the db board like have or over half of these chicken shit books do and move because all the bells start ringing across board because of 4 books getting hit them they all move. scaried money moves from books and half the time its a worked out deal move.

Phil Turcotte

Thanks fletcher, I mean like I said, for $30 its not a big deal. I just wanted to know why, when they had all day to change their line, they didnt. The rest of the books moved theirs.

Thanks for the help.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
write jack an email with your acct info and have him forward it to me ,i deal with them .will or should be able to get you your win for that amount,will talk to them in the morning,and ifnot transfer to camelot and deal with mark great guy.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i agree.....you are getting screwed cuz -.5 on that game is not a big deal especially with a halftime line.......book should honor that...

i see lines at some books consistently off by 2 points shaded towards some team they are clearly taking a stance on.....

my opinion book should honor this bet if it was 1$ or 2000$.....

Phil Turcotte

I am at Camelot as well, agree they are great. I like the other only because they are usually good with posting 1st half NCAA lines early.

The official email I got from their support:

"We have No Actioned your wager for Dallas -.5 the line was wrong and should have been -4.5. Next time you see an error like this give us a call and we will put a bonus in for you. "

If it was wrong, then why wasnt it changed? No one noticed it in a 7 hours? And when am I supposed to know if a line is an error and not a good find?

Sorry for all the posts on this, for some reason this really bugged me tonight on an otherwise very good night for me. Like I said, for $30 it probably isnt worth it.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
no because when it oped some places had 4.5 and then the garrnett issue came up and books took it off then put it back up at 7-8.5. well 6.5 but some moved to 8.5 fast.

so your line was what they had and when line moved off board and came back they got rid off all bets that they had when they found them,because they thought mavs would smoke them,this is a bs move and they can say what ever they want i know i am dead right,send me the info through jack and i am sure i can get your credit if you want it.

Phil Turcotte

Fletcher, I have emailed him my username as well as my email address should you need it.

Thanks again, for a second I started to feel like I was in the wrong. But I see a huge difference between grabbing a good line early, and cheating a book on a line like +18 when it should be -18.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
es i will need it so when i talk to them in the morning they will know who i am talking about so they can fix it or at least give you a 30 free bet on the house,need full name and acct number,i am sure there wont be anytrouble in at least the free bet,or the money. they are workable and friendley.


Registered User
Forum Member
The wager in question was the following:

NBA Sides and Totals
Straight Wager: Dallas -.5 [-110] (First Half)
Risk: 33.00 Pays: 30.00 Status: NO ACTION
Dallas vs. Minnesota to be held on Tue, 2/19 at 8:10 PM
Clerk: Internet

The game line was -9 and the first half line was .5 , the reason the first half line was .5 was because when the line changer moved the line from -4 (was to move it to -4.5) the ommitted the 4, I am not sure exactly how long this line was up, but 4 points on a first half is equivalent to 8 points on an entire game. Our policy is quite clear in this instance, we feel we have the write to notify our customers of obvious mistakes and cancel the wager.

Each and everytime we cancel a wager we also send out an email notification, having a first half line of .5 when the game line is 9 is not a case of us having "opinionated" lines its a clear case of us making a mistake.

We try to be very careful with our lines but we make our fair share of mistakes, this can happen when you post upwards of 3000 lines a week. Also note that this policy is a two way street, we will and DO cancel wagers placed by our customers provided they let us know before the game has started etc so we try to be fair.

Our rules are clearly posted here:


That being said it was our mistake and the customer has been a good customer in the past, we are going to eat this mistake and place $30 into his account.

For future reference it is not the customers responsibility to be aware of whether or not a line is correct or not, but a customer that is smart enough to find madjacks is prolly smart enough to realize that 1H lines are usually within a point of 1/2 the game line, once again I don't think that this customer was trying to take a shot and we apologize for the inconvenience.

If anyone has any further questions, please feel free to contact us,



Phil Turcotte

WS - I appreciate your response and you are correct, I am not one that would cheat a book to take advantage of a mistake if I thought that it was an honest mistake.

As evidence of this, I spoke to someone on your live support and corrected your line this morning of Duke +9. You have a very good service and I intend to continue using and recommending it.

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