Has anyone else had problems getting paid by Olympic??

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Miami Hoodrat

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 25, 2001
Miami, Florida
ok, I first put 1000.00 to them on my Visa.
Lost that..
Then I put another 500.00 on it.
I won some and got up about a grand.
I called and had them credit 500 to my card.
which left a balance of 450 in my olympic account.
I won Sunday on the Rams had 300 on game.
Now balance is 720.
I called and asked to have them credit 500 on my card again.
They said they cant.
Said I can only get credit on my card on what my initial deposit was.
Which I had already recieved acredit of 500 on one deposit.
So i had to wait until I could make a credit of 1000.
I asked for a western union pay then.
They said I had to recieve credits on Visa deposits first..then I would be allowed to recieve Western union.
I am just confused here. Is this all Books standard practice?
And if it is I apologize and I stand corrected.
Thanks guys for all feed back.
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Palmetto Pimp

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
Olympics rules of gettin paid are clearly stated on their site. you need to credit your visa a $1,000 (your initial deposit) before you do anything else