Has anyone used this Handicapper? Seems ODD!!!

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Jun 12, 2002
I saw this handicappers ad and it said they promised double your money back if the pick lost. The thing is i bought the lowest priced pick and it was for the Giants. My online bookie, www.betwwts.com has the Giants at +110.

Now someone correct me if i am wrong but if i take 25 bucks(the pick cost 25 bucks) and go bet it on the Giants, am I not guaranteed to make money, or break even at the worst? Is this a mistake by this handicapper or am I missing something?



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Aug 24, 1999
And when ya collect your money the next day, make sure you go buy yourself a lotto ticket b/c you're damn sure to win! Aint nothin' free especially in this business. I'd say if you're suseptible to such ads as these, then you better put your wallet in your back pocket and run like hell.....


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
well said neemer,now if i lose for the daily people i will give them a free day,same for the new weekly guys,but at 8 out of 10 winning weeks above what they invested i dont give free out hell they made way over what the paid for week, it is to good to be true. just watch yourself. if they hit 58% in all sports which i stay close to year in and out then they would still be losing cash by giving double on 42% and i want to see them hit at that pace for more then 1 year. they would have to hit over 70% just to turn a small profit. they would take in 70% of all wins but paying back 60%.
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Nov 4, 2000
Fletch for your daily folks that is a good gesture. But if your in a slump and run 3 or 4 bad days in a row. Well you no what im saying. That's why IF someone is going to work with a service. The best way is to give it at least a month. If the servie is good and we know a few are. It should be up by end of month. After all I seen service give out 1 or 2 free picks a day for 4/5 days in a row and never get one right. So free can be very costly. Play a month or more is giveng yourself a better chance. Of corse if the service is week to start with. Don't matter how long you try it.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
thats why i said if its a new weekly person and i went cold i give them free also but have had 8 of 10 winning weeks so guys that have stayed around each week or month have done quite well so on the bad week or 2 every so often they are still way above the game,if you can find a better deal then that show me.

but for someone saying they will give you double the money back of what they charge is almost impossible to do if they can't hit at the 70% mark just to be alittle above the red line. if he has this every day and went 7 wins based on 25 per day and lost 3 in a week he would take in 175 for the 7 wins and the 3 he lost would cost him 150 in payback don't see how they can make it when you have to hit at a 70% clip just to clear 25 bucks. i am miffed at how this can work,i will read it all when i have time maybe i misunderstood how he was explaing it.

but for people to think they will win everyday or week with a service they are in a fog because that isnot going to happen,if there was one like that we would all be on easy street. they key is to make more then you invest,thats all you can ask me myself i try to triple invesyment for each week so the person gets back what they paid for service and double the int. invesyment and if all goes as planned your monthlys are taken care of with no problem. but everyone will go cold,thats when a smart player or investor takes off a few days . the key is to win more then you lose and that is done by money management,you get up and protect your clients,and protect them when you are cold. no room to chase lost money in this field.


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Nov 4, 2000
Amen to that chase the money. Can't tell you Fletch how many I know that went down that path. And you can tell them over and over it just does not sink in. Nice job on 8 out of 10.
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