Has the Gaffe Machine Gone Too Far?

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Feb 13, 2008
Has the Gaffe Machine Gone Too Far?

Barack Obama without a teleprompter is an accident waiting to happen. Sometimes he reveals his ignorance of history, sometimes he stumbles incoherently, and sometimes he blurts out what he really believes. That's what happened today when Obama tried to talk about Georgia, a topic that has embarrassed him more than once already, beginning when, in the first hours after the invasion, he parroted the Russian line.
Today Obama equated Russia's invasion of Georgia with our toppling of Saddam Hussein:
Democrat Barack Obama scolded Russia again on Wednesday for invading another country?s sovereign territory while adding a new twist: the United States, he said, should set a better example on that front, too. The Illinois senator?s opposition to the Iraq war, which his comment clearly referenced, is well known. But this was the first time the Democratic presidential candidate has made a comparison between the U.S. invasion of Iraq and Russia?s recent military activity in Georgia.
?We?ve got to send a clear message to Russia and unify our allies,? Obama told a crowd of supporters in Virginia. ?They can?t charge into other countries. Of course it helps if we are leading by example on that point.?

So our "charging into" Iraq--with dozens of allies, supported by a U.N. resolution, as a last resort after six months of build-up and negotiations, to unseat one of the cruelest dictators of modern times who had twice invaded neighboring states, was in violation of more than a dozen U.N. resolutions and was responsible for the deaths of something like two million people, who was shooting at American aircraft and had tried to assassinate a former President of the United States, in Obama's childish mind, was just like Russia's "charging into" Georgia, which resembles Saddam's Iraq in no respect. And, of course, we invaded a horrifying charnel-house so as to establish a democracy, whereas Russia invaded a peaceful democracy that it wants to re-incorporate into its empire.
Is Obama an idiot? I don't think so, really. But one of the many problems with being a leftist is that it leads you to say lots of stupid things. Today, the Obama gaffe machine went into overdrive. By November, I suspect that most voters will have heard enough to know that Barack Obama is unqualified to be a middle-manager in a well-run company, let alone President of the United States.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
By November, I suspect that most voters will have heard enough to know that Barack Obama is unqualified to be a middle-manager in a well-run company, let alone President of the United States.

Not sure I follow. The guy we've had for the past 7 years wasn't qualified to be a middle manager in any of the companies he was a part of - and they certainly weren't well run. Seems most of you conservatives maintain he's done a pretty decent job on some things. I think I'd pick a different way to rip/compare Obama than this one. But, when you're using a shotgun approach to negative commentary, I guess you have to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.


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Feb 13, 2008
Not sure I follow. The guy we've had for the past 7 years wasn't qualified to be a middle manager in any of the companies he was a part of - and they certainly weren't well run. Seems most of you conservatives maintain he's done a pretty decent job on some things. I think I'd pick a different way to rip/compare Obama than this one. But, when you're using a shotgun approach to negative commentary, I guess you have to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.

You guys are blind. The guy is anti american. This is just Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis and Saul Alinksy and Fanon. He was taught by all those guys and all those guys are anti america. But the left is either too blind or too stupid to see it.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Yeah, it's "us folk" that are stupid. Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly some of the "smart people" go so quickly to ignorant name calling when attempting to discuss something around here.


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Feb 13, 2008
Yeah, it's "us folk" that are stupid. Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly some of the "smart people" go so quickly to ignorant name calling when attempting to discuss something around here.

Didn't mean to call you stupid. I just don't understand how this guy gets a pass with all the stupid things he says. It just proves the guy isn't ready to deal with the problems in this world.


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Nov 4, 2000
He's got one thing right. The two Super Powers of this world at times can set better examples. Just maybe that way you can hold the hate down a little. Just maybe fewer folks might not want to blow up your buildings or nuke a city. We are not right all the time. Afghan we were dead right still are. Iraq was a set up.
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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
You guys are blind. The guy is anti american... But the left is either too blind or too stupid to see it.

That old chestnut, huh KK... Haven't we put that one to rest enough already? Anyone who hasn't suffered extended oxygen deprivation or severe blunt trauma to the head knows it's a pungent steaming pile of dung. Move on.


Registered User
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Nov 4, 2000
Skul I hate to say this. But when you come in from standing on the corner. If you get enough change in your cup. Buy a new hat.
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I usually don't do this and I know I'm going to regret it, but here goes, how can you say, with facts, that Obama is a racist?

Please keep your answer to two short sentences.

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