Have to get this off my chest but you really will hate blacks more when you deliver


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
YES i'm back at chinese rest new owners way nicer than last two

BUT many real occorances with black clients last one was murder

two seperate orders elivered to security gurads gate at citizens bank park distnace 1.5 miles and on phone with girl getting directions to loaction because delivering to that stadium you need exact location of where they are it covers 4 city blocks alone then the parking lots another 1 mile around .

SO i make delivery price 21.05 1st girl only gives me 12$ seocnd one the male gives me 11 BUT takes back the $2 leaving me with only$21 and 5 cents short he says we ok i say unless you don't have nickle for me yeah ok i'll be gone.

ARE YOU FUUKING KIDDING ME It cost me in gas alone to drive per mile ,25 cents add in maintenace cost at laest .55 per mile city driving i drove 3 miles round trip and get hosed for .05 cnts no tip

thats last night ............... alst fri night at around 10 pm i had delivery in bad neighborhood whats there when i arive 5 police cruisers and Vans lights flashing and the police tape across the steet above where delivery was. so i get out with the $35 order asking ok if make delivery ... cop says yes walks with me to door girl just walks in ......... she runs around whole house asking for money someone comes up stairs from basement they go up stairs another comes down .......... this is 5 minutes i'm stnding outside in cold where a sHOOTING just occured .what did i get for driving 2.5 mikes ZERO

wait i'm not done yet THIS one really lit a fire up my ass and i let lil missy know about it

delivery to tasty kake factory about 3 miles from us back side of Navy yard
have to stop at gate give guard my id and he takes plate number down sometimes

so i get to thier door call her to come down waiting waiting as normal any way order is 10$ and 18 cents

finally lil missy comes down walks right by me to go to her lil car to get .20 cents hands me a 20$ bill i give her change 5 and five ones she says TY ....i say What was that about? She galresat me what yo mean ? The going to your car to get 20 cents so YOU dont have to give me a penny tip? she strats screaming ungodly ....i boilted out fast i see in mirror her still going on outside with coworkers LOL

Of course she calls restaurant .this was begging of end with former owners ............
Another place business huge food distrubtor SYSCO .two delveries 1st one gurd shack hands ne exact cahnge ok not far from us about 1 mile

2nd one differnt inside ............ price is about 12$

Guy come down what do i get some fairy tale that price is too much it's only $6 up in north philly and that i'm getting the $5 differnce ???? WTF i say sorry you dont want it i'll take it back ..no no he says i want it BUT your getting that $5 i tell him point blank NO WAY PAL I GET ZERO i ONLY Get Paid $4 an HOUR how much do you make? THat money goes to them every penny any way top it off he paid with CC signed slip and of course marks an X where it says tip and writes in the price at bottom .which is stoooopid it's already printed and it says in print I agree to pay price by signing here !

Wait heres more Deivey far away under new owners it's 3,5 miles on fri rush hour traffic

I get to apartent complex in worst neighborhood ever which has all new homes around it but fully dark black families and nearby hoods one block away.

GUY complains it takes so long Exact cagnge handed to me I get the eatra coins 18 cents HE says why you take so long i say hey buddy your 3 miles from us it's fri 6 pm rush hour traffic your lucky i made it here in 15 minutes HE says where you located at ? I say we are at 11 TH st and orgegon ave.s 3.2 miles from here SORRY i'll drive faster next time maybe blow couple red lights knock off 5 minutes>

jokingly laughing of course through tis whole converstaion .what gets me is the old woners closed down for 2 months HOW did this apartment complex start calling again? LIKE they have many chines asin food restaurants way closer than Us!

ahhhhhhhhhh foook it you get the gist of this true story ..............

years ago young teen i delivered pizza strictly was in 70's I cannot rember NOT getting a TIP at laest $1 and all were close within 1 mile a good full night i did 25 deliveries salary was $3.50 per hr so i made out with at laest $60 gas cost ehhhhhhhhhhhh what 2$ 80 cents per gal

Today i get $1.50 at some for delivery because they know from making deliveries to same places NO TIPS $4.50 per hr Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .50 more than others and FREE FOOD others charged me for my food ????

l;ast night frozen feet numb 5 hours with pay only one stiff 10 deliveries $65 gas was 10$ early i put in still have 2 gals left to strat today

BUT see differnce in money??? OF course i'm delivering meals not a $5 pizza like back in 70's

nothing delivered under $10

People don't get what i'm put through .....the cost is huge maintence double yours... chance of accidents higher get held up every night i'm out there i have to drive around first to make sure ain't nobody sitting waiting for me... IF i see what i don't like i call customer tell them get to door with cash in hand i want to be in and out in less than 1 minute .......

SO far hasnt happened but if i cant safely make delivery i told them i'm not risking my life or your money on a $20 order ....... I do not have a gun do not want one ......hell if i did there be alot cars with blown out tires or windows big city drivers are worst ever .

I have to seat belt orders in because of idiots blowing stop signs or red lights making left turns as i get to intersection and sign says NO FUCKING LEFT TURNS :facepalm:

I have a blanket cover on dash pas seat up c;lose top vents open full heat to keep orders hot

NO bottom heat thats why my feet stay numb what do i get $ stiff after stiff yeah yeah some white also but they live 1 - 2 blocks away I could walk to them if wasnt so cold BUT the white % is maybe 2% who no top or only the coin change

other races all of them latinos Mexicano etc.. 35% NO Joke thats fact 35 out of 100 minorities will stiff us.

Other local businesses have restricted areas but they serve them all ................. delivey charge is extra because owners know drivers get stiffed at those customers homes.

When i order i get charged too but i know it driver knows it too my $2 plus his $1.50 is fair they only go 5 blocks from where they are.

Farthest is 1.6 miles from me which i no longer order from last two deliveries COLD FOOD !

called them up both times ummmmmmmmmm no cut in price second time BYE BYE !

I'm happy to get orders on phone especailly when we get hit with 3 - 6 deliveries in 10 minutes I tell people calmly we have lots going on right now figure 45 to 1 hr before i get to you ..........they all say no problem... when the lady takes orders in her thick accent they barely understand her and she dont understand what thier address is ........yells to ME BILLLLLLLLLLLLLL BILLLLL waving pen and order pad at me address shaking her head no blinking her lil almond eyes :mj07:

Any way both very nice teat me as person and fairly othrs i was like slave the day i quit i was smiling from ear to Ear ............. really it was like i hated going in every day never knowing if i'm working full day or if i'm off next day cause hubby wanted to work..

sorry i said not working for me i need set schedule to work around...

OK thats all sorry about this going every which way but got too much on mind right now

have great Day all of you :toast:
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