Having a difficullty with picking the NETS

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Aug 30, 2002
San Dog, Southern Cal
I am still thinking that their game 2 win was a fluke. There seems to be many warriors with the Spurs' bench. Someone seems to pick up the pieces when others can't deliver with Spurs.

The problem with the Nets seems to be weak paint scoring. They tend to sit on the ball and wait for the last second to commit a shot. Well that may not work well if you are not making the shot and the board is weak.

The Nets need to be aggressive and penetrate every chance they get. These guys need to be on the same page, penetrate and stick it up the Spurs' throat. They better play like this is the last game of their lives. If not, the Spurs will definitely steal another one. That could be the end of the Nets if they don't win tomorrow's game.

If the Nets don't win the finals, the coach will be FIRED!, and Jason Kidd could be playing back in the Western Division next year.

I will post "my pick" tomorrow, after sleeping over it tonight.

Let's Focking break down the house!!!!!!

This is WAR!!!!!!!!!!!11
:firing: :bigun: :firing: :bigun:

The tempo of the game will dictate the total points. The Spurs never set the tempo. Spurs will always play the tempo that the opponent brings to them.

So the Nets better pick up the tempo. Slow tempo seems to result in a low scoring game that benefits the Spurs.

PICK UP THE PACE!!!!You Mooks!!! You are not a bunch of geriatrics!!!
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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
On the surface to say the Spurs never dictate the tempo is generally correct....however in this series vs the Nets I'd argue that the Spurs ARE SETTING THE TEMPO.......with their transition defense.

They have not...and probably will not...let the Nets run. When the Spurs make their shots..mission accomplished. When they miss? THey always have more guys back than the Nets have running any type of break. Plus with only Duncan or Robinson or one of those two and Rose crashing the boards...the Spurs can still be an effective rebounding team and force all 5 Nets under the FT line to get a defensive rebound.

vs Det/Bos/Mil. NJ had little to worry about on their defensive backboards and Kidd, RJ and or Kittles/Martin could all leak out and start the break a little early...not so vs this Spurs team.

Want to bet the over but having a hard time justifying a 90+ game from BOTH teams at the pace and tempo we've seen. Now anything can happen with whistles and FT and one would think the Nets would get out and score 90+ one of these games at home...but look at that SA/NYK finals series..the scores just kept getting lower and lower to the point of 78-77?? game 5 final. Yikes!

Franky Wright

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May 28, 2002
Heaven, oh!!, this isn't it?!
You hit it right on the head! Agree with your analysis that the Spurs only need Duncan and one other under the bucket for defensive rebounds. The Nets fast break only works against 2 or less on the defensive side, and If people remember the Milwaukee series it was usually just Payton trying:rolleyes: to stop them at half court...after that it was slam dunk city. The Bucks suck!:thefinger Had to vent a minute:D
Still I think the refs, David Stern, home cooking for 3-4 days, zig-zag, whatever are going to give the Nets the victory tonight. I see some different things happening from the Nets tonight that I think will confuse the Spurs, and they tend to let up when they have a Series lead. See this as a 94-85, Spurs with two mini runs to make it close until right at the end when the fouls taken by the Spurs breaks it open. JMHO, GL.
Jaron- Didn't mean to ramble in your thread:)
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
San Dog, Southern Cal
Great stuffs people...

Great stuffs people...

I sense that Mutombo may see very few minutes in the game tonight, if any.

I believe that the Nets will penetrate and set a fast tempo, fast breaks, create fouls (FTs), and pass for quick dunks. I sense that they will get the Spurs to defend the paint, which I hope will open up the perimeter shots for the Nets.

But with all this, I am leaning towards the Nets, but not pulled the trigger yet. I will post my pick later.
