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buckeye fan

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Oct 9, 2001
i like hawaii here. Utep has really been horrible this season with their one win coming against sac st. I have seen a fair amount of people on UTEP... my question is WHY?? any insight would be great


Senior Lurker
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Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
:eek: OMG....Hawaii's 3rd string QB Shawn Withy-Allen just threw his first pass EVER in his 2yrs with the team, and it was for a TD! Bows now up 14-0 in the 2Q. Still lots of football left.
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Senior Lurker
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Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
Unreal.....Hawaii with the fake punt from within their OWN 30 yd line!:eek: Down to the UTEP 1 yd line where QB Withy-Allen punches it in for the TD.:) On a night like tonight where the Hawaii offense (specifically Tim Chang) is struggling, UH needs something like this to keep a "surging" (?) UTEP at bay.


Senior Lurker
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Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
With Hawaii backup QB Shawn Withy-Allen's strong performance (2 TD passes, 1 TD run) against UTEP, Coach June Jones COULD employ the 2-head QB strategy. Tim Chang has the strong arm, while Withy-Allen has the mobility and scrambling ability. He scrambled for some good yardage tonight.

buckeye fan

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Oct 9, 2001


i figured that would be a lilkely outcome for the game. Although i didnt see any of it b/c it was not televised here. I agree with you on the QB situation as Chang has been mediocre so far this year
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Nov 22, 2000
honolulu, Hi, USA
I bleed Hawaii but it will be a long season for them if the "ship" is not righted. By this I mean Timmy Chang or should I call him "Twinkletoes" has to go. I have given him the benefit of the doubt for all his games but now I can no longer do so. He is a wimp and is not a leader as he does not have the respect of the team. Trust me on this fellahs. He cannot take the pressure and UTEP really exposed it. UTEP has a very mediocre "D" but they played pressure defense and Chang had a terrible game. Just think if the better teams in the WAC follow suit! It will be the Rocky Horror show! 5th year starter looked good as he passed for 2 Tds and ran for another. At this stage, I believe Jones needs to reevaluate his QBs and start thinking about a change. If he is gonna be stubborn about it, I fear Hawaii will beome very impotent. Jones is quoted as saying Chang makes the best reads and has a quick release. So what! Chang plays scared and when the team knows it, it is a vote of no confidence and the team will no be able to rally around anyone. Believe me, Hawaii was lucky to make the spread last nite. So fellahs, for futures sake, be very cautious when considering Hawaii as a play. JMHO



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Sep 12, 2002
Just heard on the news....Jason Whieldon is back with the team. Coach Jones said Timmy Chang will start, but all three QB's will play. I sure hope so cause we ain't gonna win if he keeps Chang as his starter.The other QB Shawn Withy-Allen did a better job last week against UTEP and Jason did good in the first game at home. Just thought I'd share that bit of info being from Hawaii. Good luck with all your plays!


Registered User
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Nov 22, 2000
honolulu, Hi, USA
When is Jones is gonna wake up? What has Chang done in the 1+yrs he has played? The one full year he played, Hawaii went something like 3-9. For his career, he has more interceptions then tds. This year he has 6 interceptions and only 4tds. At this rate, Twinkletoes Chang will have 30+ interceptions by the end of the year, that is, if he does not get hurt. Unless Chang gets a new "heart" transplant, I'm afraid Hawaii will be in for a long year. Sorry for the venting but that's how I feel. I have given him the benefit of doubt from day one but can no longer side with him. His 4 interceptions vs BYU cost Hawaii the game. If not for 5th year QB, Shawn Withy Allen, Chang would have lost the UTEP game too. Other teams aren't stupid - they know if you apply pressure, Chang easily gets rattled hence his high interception total. Yes, Jones constantly says Changs has all the tools but I will go on record and say he has no HEART and is not a leader. How can a team continue to win without any leader? Coach Jones, are you listening? I wish you would stop hiding this fact and make the change now before it is too late.

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