graded the Vandy whole game sides as winners at the end of the first half, and credited the accounts with the "winnings". They shortly afterwards discovered their error and removed the winnings. I (among many others, I'm sure) made a second half bet during the time that the incorrect winnings were in my account, which ended up everdrawing my account when the correction was made (I now have a small negative account balance). As soon as I saw what had happened, I called them to let them know what was happening and to find out if my bet would stand or be canceled. They couldnt tell me before the second half started, in time to replace it with a smaller bet that would not overdraw the account. I called back about 5 min ago and they still refuse to take a stand as to whether the bet will stand or be cancelled. I dont really care which it is, but obviously dont want to be in the position that they decide after the game is over. If you are in the same situation, you might want to call them up and see if you can have better luck, or at least express your displeasure at them waiting to decide.