Today is Thursday. Let's put Bash Wednesday behind us, okay?
What do you look for in a post?
Personally, I like to see some good points in a post. I try to post resons when I post plays, but, like most of you, time is often a factor. I can't always explain why I like a team.
I like feedback. Nobody likes, "Nice call, shithead!" or, "You lucked out!"
I enjoy it when guys have a differing oppinion and constructively post counter points. THAT is what we are here for....a sort of round table. It gets old, and tiresome to read 20 posts a day that say, "Atlanta can't lose tonight!" "Watch me win!" "I'm on a roll!", etc.....
We all want some recognition when we do well. That is our nature. But wouldn't it be great if we put our collective mellons together, and came up with some decent, sound, ideas on a game?
Me? I really don't give a shit if you are 10-0 in the playoffs, and all you do is post, "DBacks roll tonight!"
I need to know why! Sell me!
There have become far too many carnival barkers here.
This leads me to one more thought:
Have you noticed the amount of "newcomers" over the past week? Not general newness, but rather the few guys who come here with an initial post of, "Guys, I am winning like crazy this season, and now I'm here for you!"
From my experience in these forums, these guys pop in about week 4-6 in every season! Most of them said the same crap at other forums at the begining of the season, and have fallen from grace with lousy "guesses". Now, they start all over with a fresh face, in a new place. I could (but won't) put up 6 names of posters who will vanish, just like clock work, in about 3 more weeks.
Jack's place has become so big, that each season, we must sift through more chaff to get to the wheat. That's okay. I look at all the posts, and decide who is worth my while. You all know who is good, who is not.....who caps, who guesses......who is who, and who is not.
In closing, I would like to again state, let's get back to the business of making some cash, here.
Post your oppinion, even if you don't plan on risking a cent. If you feel strongly about a game, a player's progress, the field conditions, the coach, the local medias take on it, whatever..... PLEASE POST!
Anything you have to offer, is better than nothing, and lately.......there has been a whole lot of nothing in here.
Thank you for your time.
What do you look for in a post?
- Name recognition
Do you look for certain cappers, and take heart in what they say?
- Post content
Do you like sound stats or reasoning behind why someone has a play?
Personally, I like to see some good points in a post. I try to post resons when I post plays, but, like most of you, time is often a factor. I can't always explain why I like a team.
I like feedback. Nobody likes, "Nice call, shithead!" or, "You lucked out!"
I enjoy it when guys have a differing oppinion and constructively post counter points. THAT is what we are here for....a sort of round table. It gets old, and tiresome to read 20 posts a day that say, "Atlanta can't lose tonight!" "Watch me win!" "I'm on a roll!", etc.....
We all want some recognition when we do well. That is our nature. But wouldn't it be great if we put our collective mellons together, and came up with some decent, sound, ideas on a game?
Me? I really don't give a shit if you are 10-0 in the playoffs, and all you do is post, "DBacks roll tonight!"
I need to know why! Sell me!
There have become far too many carnival barkers here.
This leads me to one more thought:
Have you noticed the amount of "newcomers" over the past week? Not general newness, but rather the few guys who come here with an initial post of, "Guys, I am winning like crazy this season, and now I'm here for you!"
From my experience in these forums, these guys pop in about week 4-6 in every season! Most of them said the same crap at other forums at the begining of the season, and have fallen from grace with lousy "guesses". Now, they start all over with a fresh face, in a new place. I could (but won't) put up 6 names of posters who will vanish, just like clock work, in about 3 more weeks.
Jack's place has become so big, that each season, we must sift through more chaff to get to the wheat. That's okay. I look at all the posts, and decide who is worth my while. You all know who is good, who is not.....who caps, who guesses......who is who, and who is not.
In closing, I would like to again state, let's get back to the business of making some cash, here.
Post your oppinion, even if you don't plan on risking a cent. If you feel strongly about a game, a player's progress, the field conditions, the coach, the local medias take on it, whatever..... PLEASE POST!
Anything you have to offer, is better than nothing, and lately.......there has been a whole lot of nothing in here.
Thank you for your time.