heartbroken and pissed

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2002
Hey guys I don?t post too much, but I am REALLY in need of some advice. I?ve been betting for about eight years and have pocketed some good money over that time, but lost plenty chasing the big one as well. Last year I came up with a money management system that I felt worked well for me and have had great success with it until some bills came up that wiped my entire bankroll away ending my hobby that I love so much. Two months ago I pocketed a nice commission check, so I paid off my car and some other bills and started fresh. I could have put more into my starting bankroll, but I didn?t ever want to have to take anything out in case of emergencies so I started with $500 clams.

So starting with the $500 and betting flat amounts and never more or less than 5% of my total bankroll, I managed to make my way up to Level 8. Everytime I net 4 more wins than I lose I place myself at the next level. A couple more good days and I would be at about $2000 looking past the days of $25 and $30 plays, and ready to shoot up my chart. I was so happy with myself I could hardly contain myself?until last night.

I upped my bet to the appropriate Level 8 size ($80) and proceeded to go 0-6. O and frickin 6 !!!!!! I?m heartbroken. I know you can?t win them all and there are good streaks and bad streaks and you just have to be patient. To get back to where I was will take me some time but I will do it. I just want to ask you guys this question:

Should I start back at a Level 6 size bet or stay with Level 8? My answer would be Level 6 but would like to hear what you guys think. It will just take me twice as long to get back to where I WAS but I guess that?s what MM is all about. Sorry if I asked such a stupid question, just needed to vent after going 0-6!!!!!!!!!!

Level Deposit Balance Forward Bet Net 4 WINS
Level 1 $500.00 $500.00 $25.00 $90.91
Level 2 $0.00 $590.91 $29.55 $107.44
Level 3 $0.00 $698.35 $34.92 $126.97
Level 4 $0.00 $825.32 $41.27 $150.06
Level 5 $0.00 $975.38 $48.77 $177.34
Level 6 $0.00 $1,152.72 $57.64 $209.59
Level 7 $0.00 $1,362.30 $68.12 $247.69
Level 8 $0.00 $1,610.00 $80.50 $292.73
Level 9 $0.00 $1,902.72 $95.14 $345.95
Level 10 $0.00 $2,248.67 $112.43 $408.85
Level 11 $0.00 $2,657.52 $132.88 $483.19
Level 12 $0.00 $3,140.71 $157.04 $571.04
Level 13 $0.00 $3,711.74 $185.59 $674.86
Level 14 $0.00 $4,386.61 $219.33 $797.56
Level 15 $0.00 $5,184.17 $259.21 $942.58
Level 16 $0.00 $6,126.75 $306.34 $1,113.95
Level 17 $0.00 $7,240.70 $362.04 $1,316.49
Level 18 $0.00 $8,557.19 $427.86 $1,555.85
Level 19 $0.00 $10,113.05 $505.65 $1,838.74
Level 20 $0.00 $11,951.78 $597.59 $2,173.05

* Each bet is 5% of your bankroll +/- the juice.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 26, 2000
Your system got you this far so I would say to take a deep breath and stick with it. If your money says level 6 then that's what it is. Good luck


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2002
thank gsp, I appreciate it.

I just haven't had one of those nights in a long, long time. Humbled me that's for sure. I can honestly say that I thought I was on the right sides last night, just some bad luck. I guess I forgot to tell Payton I was on the Hornets.
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Using your system, you have to swallow your pride, and back off. You have a system, so go with it!

Yes, it will take you a little longer to get back to where you were, but a few losing nights at 'level 8', and you are in really deep water.

You have what so many don't, in that you have a metodology to your betting, and wager size. Stick to your goals, and do not panic over short term flucuations........You should be just fine.

I look forward to seeing your future results!
