five years ago there was roughly 800 hedge funds.
currently estimated over 8000 hedge funds
Hedge funds manage 1.5 trillion dollars min., some people put the number as high as 2.4 trillion.
probably around 2 trillion.
hedge fund managers pay: the top 25 fund managers in terms of pay averaged $363 million each.
of the 25 funds, six only made single digit returns.
due to the increasing influence of hedge funds certain sectors will be even more volatile.
one example is Base metals and oil, in the past few weeks some of these stocks declined on avg. 5-7% when oil was down less than 1%.
can work the other way of coarse also:
currently estimated over 8000 hedge funds
Hedge funds manage 1.5 trillion dollars min., some people put the number as high as 2.4 trillion.
probably around 2 trillion.
hedge fund managers pay: the top 25 fund managers in terms of pay averaged $363 million each.
of the 25 funds, six only made single digit returns.
due to the increasing influence of hedge funds certain sectors will be even more volatile.
one example is Base metals and oil, in the past few weeks some of these stocks declined on avg. 5-7% when oil was down less than 1%.
can work the other way of coarse also: