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Dec 28, 2007
Ottawa Canada
Decided on a coin toss.....that rule is pure BS but obviously worked in my favour tonight!!!
Wins a WIN....especially in a championship game
Congrats MINNY backers......you won!!


I think we can compete with this Indy team!!!!:director:



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Dec 28, 2007
Ottawa Canada
Thanks man!!!
You right about that....nothing impressive about that win except the D turnovers........not the offensive juggernaut everyones talking about
Minny had the game in the bag!!
I was already crying
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Aug 8, 2000
We don't know if the best team won.....

3 calls in OT were game changers:

1. Pierre Thomas losing control on 4th and 1 - you aren't supposed to get forward progress when you lose control.... Saints get the call...

2. Pass Interference on Leber on a pass that appreared to be uncatchable...

3. Catch by Meacham that looked like a non catch to most - but not the officials...

I'm not saying that the Vikes deserved to win - their 5 TO's, and the INT at the end of regulation killed that argument for me....


This coin flip FIASCO for the NFL, along with 3 extremely questionable (at best) calls that went the Saints way in OT... well.....

They gotta figure out a way to not cheapen their product this way....

MN was the better team - albeit they made mistakes...

But, with the stupid coin filp rule, and 3 calls that went the Saints way, the whole season has no meaning - not that the Saints weren't deserving, but I'm just not sure they were more deserving than MN....

Just a shitting way to pick a SB team, in my mind..... Officials did a very poor job in OT, in my mind.

We'll probably see an "apology" by the NFL for the missed calls/wrong calls in OT - but of course, they won't go back and change anything...

That's what the NBA does also - admits the blown call, but doesn't go back and change it.

With so much on the line, you almost have to go back and re do it....

Reminds me of the Hocheli screwup in SD a few years ago - the NFL admitted he screwed up - but still let the wrong team advance......


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Jan 21, 2007
We don't know if the best team won.....

3 calls in OT were game changers:

1. Pierre Thomas losing control on 4th and 1 - you aren't supposed to get forward progress when you lose control.... Saints get the call...

2. Pass Interference on Leber on a pass that appreared to be uncatchable...

3. Catch by Meacham that looked like a non catch to most - but not the officials...

I'm not saying that the Vikes deserved to win - their 5 TO's, and the INT at the end of regulation killed that argument for me....


This coin flip FIASCO for the NFL, along with 3 extremely questionable (at best) calls that went the Saints way in OT... well.....

They gotta figure out a way to not cheapen their product this way....

MN was the better team - albeit they made mistakes...

But, with the stupid coin filp rule, and 3 calls that went the Saints way, the whole season has no meaning - not that the Saints weren't deserving, but I'm just not sure they were more deserving than MN....

Just a shitting way to pick a SB team, in my mind..... Officials did a very poor job in OT, in my mind.

We'll probably see an "apology" by the NFL for the missed calls/wrong calls in OT - but of course, they won't go back and change anything...

That's what the NBA does also - admits the blown call, but doesn't go back and change it.

With so much on the line, you almost have to go back and re do it....

Reminds me of the Hocheli screwup in SD a few years ago - the NFL admitted he screwed up - but still let the wrong team advance......

You are so right everything is justified by the "it was a judgment call card"


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Oct 24, 2002
1. Pierre Thomas losing control on 4th and 1 - you aren't supposed to get forward progress when you lose control.... Saints get the call...

Exactly, once he lost control and had to regain it, he lost the forward progress. The NEW spot would not have been a first down. I know its a tough call to overturn but it was pretty obvious he lost control when Greenway hit him.
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Registered User
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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
the thing everyone is missing is once he lost control....there was no video replay that showed exactly where his final forward progress was....so, the call on the field stands.

the pi penalty......50-50......it's was 1st down, so no saying the saints still dont move down the field

the meachem inc pass.....looked like a catch to me, his hands were always under the ball....ruling on the field was a catch....call stands....

really no totally BLOWN calls and minny has noone to blame other than themselves with all their turnovers......well that and whoever decided to call heads!!!!!