Hello, I am new here..........

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Roll Tide Roll
Forum Member
Jan 29, 2001
Birmingham, AL
Hell I feel like a new guy. Taoist you can understand, my goodness, exams are horrible. Why did I go to law school?????????? Bluemond, saw your girl tonight, Olive Oil, we talked tonight about you.

I wanted to say hello tonight to let you know that I am not dead. I have been doing alot of drinking tonight after my first exam, so I about to go pass out.

Anyway, guys I will talk to you later. Damn I miss this place since exams have started. Also remember a few things:

Bama will go to the CWS
L.A. Lakers will go for 3 in a row and
The Dodgers will win the World Series with 4 straight no hitters considering our pitching is so good.

I will talk to you go later.


The Sage
Forum Member
...hey man, i completely understand. my exams don't start until 2nd week in may, but i plan to be absent from mj's for a few weeks until i get through them. :(

...remember to keep thinking of the "big picture," man. :D

...you originally went to law school for the same reason i did...so you could fund your gambling addiction. ;) LMFAO!!!!

...keep your chin up, brother...and for god's sake, enjoy your summer. next fall will be here before ya know it. :rolleyes:

p.s. if ya want to get tickets to a Titans game next fall, let me know. i'll hook ya up, man.... :grins:


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 17, 2000
Always did love your taste in: NBA team, MLB team and aviator!!!

It's all about the west coast!!

Go Lakers!!!
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