Did you or can you hunt with that breed?
I didn't hunt with my dog Franky, but here's an article that explains how they were breed and used.
The true origin of the Poodle is unknown but it was popular in portrait paintings over 400 years ago. Many believe that he was first developed in Germany where he was called the Pudel. He may have come to France by way of German soldiers during early Renaissance times. In France, he is still called Chien Canard or duck dog because his original purpose was to retrieve fowl that hunters had downed in water. Over time three varieties, Standard, Miniature and Toy, were created. The only difference between each variety is the size. All other key characteristics are the same.
The Poodle is an extremely intelligent breed. He is lively, good-natured, friendly and extremely loyal. Although he began as a hunting dog, he has become popular as a circus performer and as a companion. Because the Poodle does not shed his coat, he is an ideal dog for people with allergies.
The head of the Poodle is long, narrow and straight with a slight but definite stop (drop-off between skull and muzzle between the eyes). The teeth come together in a scissors bite. The eyes are dark, almond-shaped and set wide apart. The ears are long, wide and hang close to the face with abundant feathering. The back is short. The legs are straight and muscular. The feet are small, compact and oval shaped with arched toes. The gait is light and springy with the legs moving parallel to one another and the head carried high. The tail is docked and carried erect. The coat is dense and harsh. Although the coat is not shed, it does grow continuously so needs regular clipping and brushing. The coat is profuse with firm texture and curly but will cord when not combed. The coat may be any solid color including black, white, caf? au lait, apricot, brown, silver, gray or blue. Paricolors do exist but are discouraged by most registries. The coat may be cut in various different styles. The original purpose of trimming the coat was to aid the dog in the water since its profuse coat would become cumbersome and heavy otherwise. Size of each variety is: Standard, height over fifteen inches and weight between 45 and 70 pounds; Miniature, height ten to fifteen inches (USA) eleven to fifteen inches (Great Britain), weight proportional; Toy, height less than ten or eleven inches; weight proportional.