Here's an email I received this morning

The Boys

Forum Member
Oct 17, 2001
Royal Oak, Michigan, a Detroit Suburb
Hi Gary,

Winter is back and soon we will have Spring temps again. We have been very lucky this winter. I hope you have a nice weekend.

Yesterday, I was getting ready for work, and my nose started hemorrhaging. I didn't have a nosebleed. It just started shooting blood everywhere(walls, floor, all over me). This went on for about 40 minutes. When it stopped, I packed it with some cotton, cleaned up the mess and decided to clean off my car, finished getting dressed and go on to school.

I was feel pretty weak but got to my 3rd grade class and was going over the lesson plans when the same thing happened again. I grabbed my bags, coat and box of Kleenex an went to the office. I told them I was leaving. By the time I got to my car, I had gone through almost all of the tissues. I couldn't even get my coat on. Driving to Beaumont was a nightmare.

When I got there, they thought I had been attacked! *:) happy Anyway, they didn't even register me but took me right back. I had the best care there. From nurses to physicians, they were just incredible. They made sure my blood was clotting which it was and my blood pressure was great 115/59. The doctor said everyone should have that! What happened is a membrane in my nose had ruptured (probably due to dryness). The doctor was impressed that I had my humidifier in my closet, lol.

As soon as I got home, I got it up and running. I felt really weak which is from the blood loss. I am feeling a little better today. I am just very grateful that it did not happen when the children were in the classroom.
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