Oh shit Poon, how am I suppose to come in here and give some elegant post about the current race situation in America when you make it a laughing matter. Well done. That laptop cost the Gators some ships.
I am so tired of the same old same old from African Americans. You know I am not called an Italian American I am just called an American. I was rooting for you Cam but now I hope you and your team get your ass whipped.
Was he asking for sympathy? Looking for someone or something to blame? Whining, crying or complaining in any way? No. Cam Newton didn't go negative at all during his weekly press conference Wednesday. He went introspective in response to a series of questions about how people perceive him, but in the middle of one long, thoughtful answer on the subject, he did mention his race. In doing so, as he often does, Newton violated a rule of polite society. He made some people uncomfortable, which is always comical, the notion that not talking about race would make us all members of a colorblind society that judges people solely on the content of their character. Newton had a better idea. How about we try not to judge each other so much? "It's funny because I've come to this point in my life where I've been faced with so much from good, bad or indifferent that I try to check myself if I'm trying to judge somebody," he said. "See what I'm saying? I think we all are guilty of it at times. If we look in the mirror or at our own closet we see that we aren't perfect. There was only one person that walked this green earth that was perfect and we know who that is. But yet that's not Cam, that's not you, that's not nobody." Ooh. Faith and race? Couldn't he just break down how to deal with Denver's vicious pass rush?
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Super Bowl 50: Cam Newton tackles 'trick question'
[COLOR=#333333 !important]Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton called it a trick question. But when it was posed at his press conference after Wednesday's practice, he answered it anyway.[/COLOR]
But message boards and talk radio haven't been abuzz with Newton's common-sense advice. They were all about the money quote. "I said it since Day One: I'm an African-American quarterback that may scare a lot of people because they haven't seen nothing that they can compare me to." Even taken out of context and morphed into a tabloid headline, those words were hardly incendiary. For one thing, Newton was right. He's unique and defies stereotypes, and we do love our stereotypes. His skin color is only part of the reason. Ever since his 2010 season at Auburn, with a rare size and skill-set for his position, he's been doing things few football players have ever done in a positive way - unless you happen to cheer for a team that's been one of his victims. Not only that, he's actually having fun out there, and whether we're investing our self-esteem or our life savings in the performance of our teams, football is supposed to be serious business. How dare he smile and laugh and dance and pose for pictures when his team just beat our team or his team won but failed to cover?
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AL.com ***********: Cam Newton is so money
[COLOR=#333333 !important]Five years after putting together the greatest team and individual season in college football history, he's constructing one of the greatest team and individual seasons in pro football history.[/COLOR]
There's no doubt Newton does scare some people. Fear is the only explanation for some of the hatred directed at him, which has been reflected in my inbox since I started writing about him when he signed with Auburn. Imagine his inbox. Said it before and it bears repeating now. I've never witnessed more anger and animosity aimed at one athlete during one sporting event than I felt pouring down on Newton during the 2010 Iron Bowl in Tuscaloosa. It wasn't Jesse Owens in the Berlin Olympics-level hatred, but it was real and it was raw, and Newton hurdled it with one of the gutsiest comebacks imaginable. Some people still haven't forgiven him for the way he played that day or the way he celebrated, running around Bryant-Denny Stadium with his hand over his mouth. Hush your mouth and imagine how he'll bask if/when the Panthers win the Super Bowl. Before, during and after the game, he'll be the most watched and talked-about player in the most watched and talked-about sporting event on the planet. Hall of Famer Peyton Manning may be reduced to a sideshow, a rodeo clown at his final rodeo. That's unfortunate, but that's the power of a 6-foot-5, 260-pound lightning rod of an MVP quarterback with no real predecessor and few true peers. Through five years in the NFL, much as he did during his one magical season at Auburn, Newton has risen above every critic and every criticism. He's been really, really good at what he does, and he seems really, really happy with who he is. How many of us can say the same?