Hey Diddle Diddle ~ Lordy Hit a MIDDLE!


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Forum Member
Aug 31, 2006
hey guys.. that LB/Fullerton gm was a fine finish to the day!!

I put Fullerton ML to close a par 232/1014...

then when gm started, things went south, and my Live Betting had NOthing on the gm.. the entire 1st half!
and the last 5 mins of the half.. Fullerton seemed to get their heads on straight.. and worked their way back to actually be UP by 1 at halftime.. teams went on incredible streaks shooting 3s

Long story short... details are below..

*Hit the # tmr w/Fullerton ML... +1014

*Hit LBch + 2.5.. 260/200... +200

*Hit LBch +2... 176/160.... +160

=========TOTAL. +1374 ==========. :Yep:

and... have 2 parlays open for tomorrow...

Par). LB+3.5/LB OV 134.5/______(open) <<<< 73/337

Par). 2h Az -2/2h Az OV 75/Full ML/_______(open) <<< 53/610

I believe that'll do! gnite and sweet dreams :D. :0008

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