Hey, Ike Bomb

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Registered User
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Feb 22, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Okay, Curling is cool.

Late lift (from Sports Illustrated/CNN.com)

American women beat Japan on final shot
Skip Kari Erickson knocked out a Japanese stone on the last shot to rally the U.S. women to an 8-7 victory in their opening Olympic curling match Tuesday. Japan lead by one in the final end, but Erickson's second stone took out a Japanese rock, giving the U.S. squad the victory. Later, the U.S. beat Sweden 6-5.

............oh, and the babes that play for the US..............


Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
You need something to do to get through the winter, might as well drink beer and curl.

I am currently seeking a co-ed naked curling league.


Ike Bomb

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Jan 3, 2002


A few reasons why I like the sport:

1. Anyone can do it. Literally. Give any person on Madjacks a couple of weeks and they could be a master curler.

2. Women and men can (and should) compete equally. It is my understanding that Curling teams are usually "mixed" but are divided into mens and womens team for the Olympics.

3. It has to be a lot of fun, and you probably get better at it the more you drink. In this way it is like darts and bowling.

Tell me you wouldn't like to put on those cool shoes and slide down the ice after a 42-lb stone. And just try and convince me that you wouldn't want to take a broom and sweep in front of said stone.

As one of the Curling announcers said the other night "that is just bad brushing"

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Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Curling is the result of booze and month long sub-zero tempratures. Curling strategy is similar to the one used in many shuffle boards in sports bars around Texas. One shoe is slick, the other is like a golf shoe that grips the ice so that they can push off and move around.

How do I know so much, eh? Actually I don't know that much except the important stuff like much beer is drunk and that the losing team has to buy the winning team several rounds of beer, eh?

The reason I know ANYTHING at all aboot it is that I worked as a computer operator for the state for a while, eh? While I was an operator my agency was forced to switch from IBM mainframes to a Univac mainframe, eh? The systems programmers that installed our OS and Data Base software were all from Minnesooota or Canada, eh? They would start these long running OS gens that would take hours to run and we would have time to sit around and bs, eh? One night we got into a a discussion of Curling, eh? Being born and raised in Texas I had no idea what the hell they were talking aboot, eh? But we talked aboot it enough so that I know what I know, eh?



Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
New Zealand

... and reminds me of a column I wrote for the paper at the last Olympics....aaahh, found it...

OF ALL THE dumb pastimes on display at the Winter Olympics, curling stands alone on the gold medal dais as the undisputed king of imbecility.
What were the Games organisers thinking when they allowed this dribbling excuse for a sport into their programme? Did they feel that without curling they'd lack the silliness quotient their summer counterparts provide with synchronised swimming?
Curling is bowls for posers.
It has the athleticism of tenpin bowling, the crowd-pleasing aesthetics of darts and the electric pace of snooker.
It's played by men in silk jackets last seen on television adorning Andy Travis, wholesome programming director of WKRP. Olympic teams visit their country's best tailor before departure to be outfitted in the finery of their national colours. Curlers scour the op shops desperate for the rack that holds the once-treasured possession of a Racey fan.
The aim is to deliver a 20kg "stone" (like a heavy duck decoy) down an icy path and stop it as close as possible to the centre of a bullseye. The target is so gargantuan Mr Magoo would have no trouble finding it.
Curlers skate their delivery approach like amateur yoga students with bad cramp. Once launched at a Jurassic speed, the missile is attended by men frenetically sweeping a path for the stone to follow.
The term stone is the most appropriate part of curling. Any drug-induced state could only enhance the viewing or playing of this sport, which has surpassed luge as the curio of the crazies.
Luge (the summer Olympic equivalent would be backstroke water skiing) requires the competitor to be slightly insane and without any sense of feeling. A pigeon-toed competitor is an obvious medal contender.
At least Hamilton luger Angela Paul looks good in a body-suit. No man, be he Mick Jagger or Mikhail Baryshnikov, should wear tights.
Highlight of the Winter Olympics to date _ Aussie-based Kiwi Kylie Gill saying she had no sympathy for a freestyle skier colleague who had also fallen during competition. The reason: "because she stole my boyfriend a while back."
Tell ya what, Kyles, we'll ensure she'll get the worst punishment possible for her crimes of the heart; something certain to engender worldwide ridicule and humiliation.
Next Winter Olympics she has to come back as a curler.


Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
The target is so gargantuan Mr Magoo would have no trouble finding it.
classic! :D

I think all Scottish sports were based on getting drunk and throwing around really large things. Curling, caber tossing... there really is no point to it. I'm sure these "sports" were started by drunk Scots inventing stupid ways to one-up each other. "I can throw a tree farther than you! Let's go!"

If this is an olympic "sport", couldn't horseshoes be included? Or is this more oppression of southern culture? :)
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