Disappointing. Very disappointing.
As the appointed mood coodinator here at MadJacks, I have to say that I am very disheartened to see this back-biting and vitriol.
Let me see if I have this straight. Kneifl is basically saying to beantownjim to go away and "Don't Look Back" as Jim's hometown band might croon.
Jim is saying that he's become "Jayyyyded, and Kneifl's the one who's jading him". Aerosmith never seemed so apropop to Jim.
Kneifl is doing his best Tom Petty when he tells Jim, "Don't do me like that".
Unfortunately, Jim's posts bring to mind Bryan Adams, because they "Cut like a knife".
Speaking of AC/DC, what you both need to understand is that although, "Kneifl has big balls" and "Jim has big balls", Madjack has "the bigggessst ballls of them alllll...OY!!".
I see that Jim plans to attend the East Coast gathering. I myself am seriously considering it. I strongly suggest that Kneifl makes every effort to head there. We can join together and sing the Beastie Boys classic, "No sleep 'till BROOKLYN". I can't wait.
While this might seem like a harsh rebuke, please keep in mind that the good vibes have been flowing freely lately and you guys are bringing the mojo level way down. This concerns me greatly. After all, that IS what i'm paid for.
That said, as bad as it gets here, AC/DC was correct when they sang, "Hell ain't a bad place to be".
You two should kiss and make up. Let's get that mojo risin' again!!!
Speaking of KISS, it is clear that MJ was "Calling Dr. Love", and I answered the call.
Carry on.
Your bud,