Love Madjacks. I used to post here a lot. I don't post in any other forums.
Anyway, I love hockey totals. They have intrigued me since I started betting them 18 years ago.
I've been busy doing tons of research on hockey totals, and how to beat them. There are actually ways to beat (SOME) bookmakers and sportsbooks without any handicapping these totals.
Before I get into my research, I have a few questions of my own:
1- I miss the days where I can just call my "local" and he would give me the "rundown" on all the hockey totals. Everything was -110. It was very simple. If I had known THEN what I know NOW, I would have really made a small fortune. If these types of locals STILL EXIST, I would be making a fortune now...providing they offer all hockey totals at -110 each way.
Does anybody still have access to a local with -110 totals each way? If so, I'm about to make you very happy. I am also VERY JEALOUS if you do! Ha!
One of my locals (who used to do the -110) each way, got "shut-down" (that's a common way for us here in the Northeast of saying "told to close-up shop or pay-up to the Big Boys.")
My other local used to deal totals with ONE-SIDE SHADED. (Example: 6 under -120. 6 over even) He got wise to the advantage we the players had with totals, especially with the advent of the internet. He changed in '98 or so to this "shading"...before the Big Boys told him to close shop.
Anyway, I stopped betting hockey totals with him as soon as he started "shading" I figured the -120 juice was to difficult to beat. (And betting the other way...even with even odds, was not any way, shape, or form.)
But I would do anything to have him back...even with the -120 shading to just one side. I've done research going back several seasons, and I can now be able to beat the -120.
2- I now use "agents." Agents are basically locals (who work for the Big Boys) who use a website off-shore and a 1-800#. There is no more waiting by phones or adding up everyone's figure at the end of each week. It's easy for everybody; especially the locals.
Here's my question: Does anybody use these websites (or any other reputable sportsbook) that offer -110 hockey totals each way? Before laughing at me, I know this is 99.9 unlikely! Ha!
How about any of these websites or books that just "shade" their totals ONE WAY, like the local I described above? (-120 one way, and even on the other)....if so, please let me know. There is serious cash to be made!
3- Maybe IE or Jack can post this thread in the General Forum (or someplace else here, too.)...since the majority of bettors don't bet hockey, especially totals!
4- Here is what I am doing now. I have only one of these "agent books"....but I feel they have been catching on to my "UNDER" system they have been switching totals from 5.5 to 5. (Which totally defeats the purpose and effectiveness of making any money!)
The book I use puts out a total and shades it BOTH WAYS (-120 toward the over and -120 toward the under). Again, I thought IMPOSSIBLE to beat in the long run, right? WRONG!
5- I'll get into my exact research numbers in this thread (in a different post) later....but I want to help ALL OF US. Which books (or off-shore agent-run websites) do you use for playing hockey totals. Do you have any book which NEVER charges over -120 on any total? If yes, that is great!
The problem is that my book is now moving MANY totals which should be 5.5...down to 5. And that's not helping.
Basically, I take the CLOSING TOTAL ODDS at Pinnacle. And if Pinnacle has a total on a game of 5.5 under -125 or more (like -130, -133, -140, 142,-145, etc.), I'll take the UNDER 5.5 (at -120) at my book. The numbers over the last few years are STAGGERING. And that's with no handicapping needed.
Also, I have done some research on the prop "Will there be a goal scored in the first 10:00 of the game?" (This took me weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks of research)....but the answer "NO", as in "no goal in the first 10 minutes" can be profitable (but not nearly as profitable as all the full-game under 5.5's I was talking about.
Does your book (or any reputable book you know of offer this "Goal in first 10:00?" prop? If so, are the odds the SAME for every NHL game, regardless of the teams playing or the actual game total?
My current book has the same odds for EVERY game. "Yes" is -130. "No" is even money (no juice). It doesn't matter if the game total is 6 or 4.5; the odds at my book are always the same. (As is the time of the first goal...always over/under 10:00) I've made some money on the "No Goal" with totals of 5-under or 4.5. (Again, no handicapping needed).
This prop is limited to a $100 wager where I put my action.
Anyway, answer some of my questions if this interests you. Also, please add your own thoughts and strategies about hockey totals and what I've discussed. I'll be back with my research numbers later.
My best to you,
Anyway, I love hockey totals. They have intrigued me since I started betting them 18 years ago.
I've been busy doing tons of research on hockey totals, and how to beat them. There are actually ways to beat (SOME) bookmakers and sportsbooks without any handicapping these totals.
Before I get into my research, I have a few questions of my own:
1- I miss the days where I can just call my "local" and he would give me the "rundown" on all the hockey totals. Everything was -110. It was very simple. If I had known THEN what I know NOW, I would have really made a small fortune. If these types of locals STILL EXIST, I would be making a fortune now...providing they offer all hockey totals at -110 each way.
Does anybody still have access to a local with -110 totals each way? If so, I'm about to make you very happy. I am also VERY JEALOUS if you do! Ha!
One of my locals (who used to do the -110) each way, got "shut-down" (that's a common way for us here in the Northeast of saying "told to close-up shop or pay-up to the Big Boys.")
My other local used to deal totals with ONE-SIDE SHADED. (Example: 6 under -120. 6 over even) He got wise to the advantage we the players had with totals, especially with the advent of the internet. He changed in '98 or so to this "shading"...before the Big Boys told him to close shop.
Anyway, I stopped betting hockey totals with him as soon as he started "shading" I figured the -120 juice was to difficult to beat. (And betting the other way...even with even odds, was not any way, shape, or form.)
But I would do anything to have him back...even with the -120 shading to just one side. I've done research going back several seasons, and I can now be able to beat the -120.
2- I now use "agents." Agents are basically locals (who work for the Big Boys) who use a website off-shore and a 1-800#. There is no more waiting by phones or adding up everyone's figure at the end of each week. It's easy for everybody; especially the locals.
Here's my question: Does anybody use these websites (or any other reputable sportsbook) that offer -110 hockey totals each way? Before laughing at me, I know this is 99.9 unlikely! Ha!
How about any of these websites or books that just "shade" their totals ONE WAY, like the local I described above? (-120 one way, and even on the other)....if so, please let me know. There is serious cash to be made!
3- Maybe IE or Jack can post this thread in the General Forum (or someplace else here, too.)...since the majority of bettors don't bet hockey, especially totals!
4- Here is what I am doing now. I have only one of these "agent books"....but I feel they have been catching on to my "UNDER" system they have been switching totals from 5.5 to 5. (Which totally defeats the purpose and effectiveness of making any money!)
The book I use puts out a total and shades it BOTH WAYS (-120 toward the over and -120 toward the under). Again, I thought IMPOSSIBLE to beat in the long run, right? WRONG!
5- I'll get into my exact research numbers in this thread (in a different post) later....but I want to help ALL OF US. Which books (or off-shore agent-run websites) do you use for playing hockey totals. Do you have any book which NEVER charges over -120 on any total? If yes, that is great!
The problem is that my book is now moving MANY totals which should be 5.5...down to 5. And that's not helping.
Basically, I take the CLOSING TOTAL ODDS at Pinnacle. And if Pinnacle has a total on a game of 5.5 under -125 or more (like -130, -133, -140, 142,-145, etc.), I'll take the UNDER 5.5 (at -120) at my book. The numbers over the last few years are STAGGERING. And that's with no handicapping needed.
Also, I have done some research on the prop "Will there be a goal scored in the first 10:00 of the game?" (This took me weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks of research)....but the answer "NO", as in "no goal in the first 10 minutes" can be profitable (but not nearly as profitable as all the full-game under 5.5's I was talking about.
Does your book (or any reputable book you know of offer this "Goal in first 10:00?" prop? If so, are the odds the SAME for every NHL game, regardless of the teams playing or the actual game total?
My current book has the same odds for EVERY game. "Yes" is -130. "No" is even money (no juice). It doesn't matter if the game total is 6 or 4.5; the odds at my book are always the same. (As is the time of the first goal...always over/under 10:00) I've made some money on the "No Goal" with totals of 5-under or 4.5. (Again, no handicapping needed).
This prop is limited to a $100 wager where I put my action.
Anyway, answer some of my questions if this interests you. Also, please add your own thoughts and strategies about hockey totals and what I've discussed. I'll be back with my research numbers later.
My best to you,
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