High in Colorado


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Forum Member
Jun 29, 2000
denver, co-usa
In today's Denver Post--
20% of DUI arrests involved drivers on pot.

In the city of Denver alone--marijuana dispensaries sold more than $587 million of pot in 2017.
Total pot sales in the state were over 1 billion $ in 2017 an increase of 27% from the year before.
Over 50% of the sales are to people from out of state and over the age of 50.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
In today's Denver Post--
20% of DUI arrests involved drivers on pot.

In the city of Denver alone--marijuana dispensaries sold more than $587 million of pot in 2017.
Total pot sales in the state were over 1 billion $ in 2017 an increase of 27% from the year before.
Over 50% of the sales are to people from out of state and over the age of 50.

50% over 50. Love it. Hope all is well hawkeye!


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Jul 13, 1999
In today's Denver Post--
20% of DUI arrests involved drivers on pot.

In the city of Denver alone--marijuana dispensaries sold more than $587 million of pot in 2017.
Total pot sales in the state were over 1 billion $ in 2017 an increase of 27% from the year before.
Over 50% of the sales are to people from out of state and over the age of 50.

Very interesting but not surprising.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2004
Monument, CO
In today's Denver Post--
20% of DUI arrests involved drivers on pot.

In the city of Denver alone--marijuana dispensaries sold more than $587 million of pot in 2017.
Total pot sales in the state were over 1 billion $ in 2017 an increase of 27% from the year before.
Over 50% of the sales are to people from out of state and over the age of 50.

I wonder what percent of the 20% of pot DUI arrests were over the legal limit of alcohol as well? :0008


Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
Canada is doing this the right way!

Canada is doing this the right way!

They have government-owned liquor stores called LCBO.
The plan is to open government run dispensaries inside these liquor stores.

Just spent two weeks in Toronto. Seriously, the US is quite fucked up...No I am not moving there but it's an amazing place.

Five banks in the country not thousands like in the USA.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
They have government-owned liquor stores called LCBO.
The plan is to open government run dispensaries inside these liquor stores.

Just spent two weeks in Toronto. Seriously, the US is quite fucked up...No I am not moving there but it's an amazing place.

Five banks in the country not thousands like in the USA.


LCBO is run by the Provincial Gov't, and yes they will/are making a killing off the ganja:0071 As for the banks in Ontario they welcome the cash from ganja businesses:weed:

And yes Canada rocks, and yeppers, Toronto is an amazing city (only thing that sucks is the traffic)x44:x44:x44:


Forum Member
Oct 15, 2015
I was in Colorado in July. Did 40mg of CBD brownies, in 1hour. Had never done them before. Lets just say I figured out my tollerance threshold :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
They have government-owned liquor stores called LCBO.
The plan is to open government run dispensaries inside these liquor stores.

Just spent two weeks in Toronto. Seriously, the US is quite fucked up...No I am not moving there but it's an amazing place.

Some parts of Canada are 'doing this the right way.'
You mention LCBO--Liquor Control Board of Ontario.
Alberta has AGLC and similar elsewhere. Ironically, Ontario is the culprit that is totally not doing this right and is having difficulty arranging their desired monopoly on any cannabis transactions. Big part of the reason our July 1st plan for decriminalization ended up being an empty promise; last I heard they're targeting Oct.17th or something.

Personally, I don't care so much about their tawdry pot laws. A number of dispensaries remain open in town--despite them closing tons, including all from Cannabis Culture, Mark Emery's (jailed for selling seeds, ages ago) company--and you can easily find people who will deliver right to your home.

British Columbia has got its shit together. Ontario's strategy is nowhere near equivalent.

Lately, I've been doing mail order, from a place in B.C. Chearp as fuck, good counts and quality, good selection and speedy. I can order late Thursday or early Friday--online--and have the mailman deliver it on Monday. Interestingly, there is still some doubt as to whether or not this is legal. Even having a permit to possess or even grow--which I have no interest in obtaining (gave up trying as a previous head-doctor I used to see was biased against the same (and clueless on nutritional factors for mental health))--is by no means protection against those under the impression that they are protecting the public. I have a friend in Saskatchewan who was jailed for possession despite having a license to grow at home. He also had an experience with the goofy DUI test they are playing with, which was a rather amusing story.

I've got too much to say on this subject.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mb4SvIpx71g" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

My apologies to Ozzy, but everybody's heard your version, aye?

oh, yeah...I was going to comment on the T.O. 'amazing' and 'quite fucked up', but that's another story.

Go Leafs!
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Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
I was in Colorado in July. Did 40mg of CBD brownies, in 1hour. Had never done them before. Lets just say I figured out my tollerance threshold :)

CBD Brownies don't get you high. :facepalm:


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
Just for a laugh I googled news to see if the world has ended yet.
They posted this story about upcoming plans for DUI tests in Canada:


Also, I glossed over that original CBD mention and, in retrospect, I don't see the point of CBD brownies. Mind you, good luck finding a strain with CBD that contains zero THC.

I recently saw a high-% CBD strain on the place I'm using and considered ordering it along with my usual sativa. Thought I might be able to talk my dad into trying it; he's 78 and has been seeking alternatives to the pain-relieving opiates that he's become dependent on. Apparently, CBD is supposed to be good for that aspect of the medical usage. CBD is the chemical that helped that Charlotte kid get off of the seizure festival, as shown by that Gupja dude in pt3 of his CNN marijuana shows.

Personally, I'm skeptical of the pain-relieving benefits of cannabis.
I tell my folks that it would help ma more, who could seriously use a grip on some anxiety relief.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qnXRwmcKnes" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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