History Lesson

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Some here really need this little lesson . I plagerized this from a proffessor of History from one of those left coast universities a very good look at reality :

It begins by the history professor explaining to another poster that took issue with us attacking Germany in WW2 and why or how we got involved

Okay, history lessons all around...

Following the attack on Pearl Harbor the United States declared war on Japan. Because of Japan's alliance with Germany, this also meant declaring war on all of the Axis powers.

Furthermore, the reason why the US didn't get involved was that the populace was quite literally sick and tired of the tribal like feuds that Europe kept getting itself into. Especially considering the ill conceived Treaty of Versailles that virtually guaranteed a sequel. You need to also recall that the US was in the depth of an economic depression at this time. Throwing American lives at yet another European war wasn't exactly a popular notion.

Moving along to Iraq. Following their second defeat in attempting to invade Kuwait (the first in 1967, the second in 1991) they signed an agreement with the coalition forces to end the hostilities. This agreement included weapons restrictions, no-fly zones, and regular inspections. Since that time they have fired on US and other nation's aircraft in the no-fly zone, continued to purchase weapons THEY agreed not to possess, and forcibly removed all the UN inspectors from their nation. In breaking the agreement they are essentially saying they wish for hostilities to continue. Everyone, including the "Bush regime" would much rather have Iraq live up to it's agreements rather than having to once again deal militarily with it. What we'd ALL like to see happen is having the US troops now stationed in Saudi to come home. That can't happen while the Iraq situation is left unresolved.

As to the bit about the US attacking Iraq for oil... sorry, try again. The US doesn't purchase ANY Iraqi oil, nor do we want it. Their oil doesn't burn clean like the Saudi crude, which we do purchase in great quantities. Iraq's customers include mostly 3rd world nations, France and Russia. France in particular has a number of financial interests in that country, and an extremely large Algerian population. It's not difficult to see why they've consistently opposed actions against Iraq.

The next pargraph I should almost remove but I will put it in
to context for ya's ... A poster was complaining that his Arab friend from Germany couldnt get a Visa to the US

I am sorry about your friend. Stuff like that happens when a few whacko?s decide to kill an estimated 3000 innocent people. Since the bulk of the planning for 9/11 seems to have happened in both Afghanistan and Germany, your friend simply has run into some serious bad luck.


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Nov 16, 2002
Palehose said:

As to the bit about the US attacking Iraq for oil... sorry, try again. The US doesn't purchase ANY Iraqi oil, nor do we want it. Their oil doesn't burn clean like the Saudi crude, which we do purchase in great quantities. Iraq's customers include mostly 3rd world nations, France and Russia. France in particular has a number of financial interests in that country, and an extremely large Algerian population. It's not difficult to see why they've consistently opposed actions against Iraq.

......JAMES A PAUL, Executive Director, Global Policies Forum......August 2002....
"Iraq possesses the worlds second largest known oil reserves, estimated at 112.5 billion barrels, about 11 percent of the worlds total. IRAQ'S OIL IS OF HIGH QUALITY and it is very inexpensive to produce, making it one of the worlds profitiable oil sources."

Now are these accurate facts? Who the hell knows what to belive....but I do know that the nations LARGEST oil refiner..VALERO, refines both
SWEET and SOUR crude right here in the USA.

I'm of the opinion it isn't the TAKING of the oil that's so important...but the MANIPULATION and control of the PRICE that is vital to ALL world economies. I'm also of the opinion that if that oil wasn't there....we wouldnt be either....not that I'm against the policy, as important as the PRICE of oil is to all world economies....esp ours.


Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
A history Lesson from the dope who thought the Contras were Iranian.

Think I will wait for a smarter professor
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Clem really what kind of a duffus are you ? I already admited I was wrong and got that confused ...You will never see that from a Liberal here that we know for sure . You have been wrong on just about everything from sports to politics in every thread ! Lets face it dork your to stupid to even realize you have to go to work...what a LOSER !!!!! Now go crawl back into your hole .

Good Grief man I already told you I didnt write this get a clue moron . Remember your food stamps are under your work boots ...dont want you to starve . :mj07:
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Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Wrong in just about every thread.

I like that.

As for being too stupid to know that I have to work.. Its working out pretty good so far.
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Clem D said:
Wrong in just about every thread.

I like that.

As for being too stupid to know that I have to work.. Its working out pretty good so far.

yeah, and now check out his wmd thread. This guy is high comedy. :mj07:


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Palehose said:
Lets face it dork your to stupid to even realize

You know, I realize that people can type quickly and make mistakes, and it's not a big deal. But when you are calling someone out for being stupid, you should at least make sure not to have grammar errors in that particular sentence, let alone TWO of them.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Clem D - I hope you remain a moron at least through the end of football season.
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