history of baseball totals?


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
Figure I might get a better response in general forum.

I read a story about this history years ago. I think I even related it in a thread, here, but a search of the forum (and net) hasn't helped.

Some guy--was 60's, I believe--asked his book if he could bet there would be a shutout in a game. Was 2 great and hot starters--maybe one was Koufax--and got offered a total (6, I believe) instead, the first time one had been offered.

I've searched the net and can't find shit.
Was an interesting story and if someone could provide reference than I'd really appreciate it.
I think I read it on-line (should check my gazillion favorites saved)--outside chance it was in a book.


Say Parlay
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
Kansas City area for who knows how long....
1964 Koufax vs Jim Maloney. The Delmar Sportsbook in Las Vegas made the first total line in LV MLB betting history, 3.5 for the game, after customer asked if he could bet a shutout prop.

I read about that Koufax game in this book here:

"Betting the line: sports wagering in American life" By Richard O. Davies, Richard G. Abram, page 172 (sorry, can't insert hyperlink on this computer)

http://books.google.com/books?id=YR...ports betting koufax over under total&f=false
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