Hollywoodsportsbook.com Chooses Canned CNN Anchor Rick Sanchez as Its Latest ?Gambler


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Oct 1, 2010
Bombastic TV newsman foolishly rails against Jews and Jon Stewart during radio interview

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, Oct 5, 2010? Hollywoodsportsbook.com has chosen now former CNN anchor Rick Sanchez as its latest ?Gambler of the Week? for his foolish rant against Jews for keeping him down in the news biz and Daily Show host Jon Stewart for his supposed similar ?bigotry.?

Robert Evans, Hollywood?s Director of Operations says, ?Man another one? Haven?t TV news peeps learned yet that they are not to ?make? the news but to only read it from a teleprompter? ?Shouldn?t Sanchez have known better to keep his trap shut after seeing what has happened to other TV personalities who spouted off something ridiculous such as Don Imus and his ?nappy headed ho?s? comment about the Rutgers University women's basketball team, or Dr. Laura Schlessinger after she repeatedly said the? N-word? to a caller, or MSNBC?s Michael Savage, who was fired following a particularly virulent anti-gay tirade and then added an anti Semite rant on another network to get fired again, or former CNBC show Fast Money host Dylan Ratigan who spouted off on the air about his perceived lack of respect from his producers, and of course poor Jimmy ?The Greek? Snyder who was in our business, predicting winners and losers from a bettor's perspective for CBS, who said that ?blacks are better at sports because of slave plantation breeding techniques? and was promptly fired.

Few of these megaloids were able to bounce back after their insert foot-in-mouth moments, even as innocent as they might have been.
Today?s TV personalities need to go back and learn from the Walter Cronkite school of news reporting?to just report the news, go home, have a few Hi-Balls and pick up hookers in their free time.? opines Evans.

Sanchez, the Cuban-American host of CNN's Rick's List, has been a frequent target of Stewart?s The Daily Show for Sanchez?s decision to be Tasered on the air and his other frequent off-color comments and actions.

While being interviewed on the Sirius XM satellite radio show Stand Up with Pete Dominick, Sanchez fired back at Stewart's taunting, saying the Comedy Central host was a member of the "elite, Northeast establishment liberals." He then derided the Jewish culture, claiming that they owned the media?including his own network, CNN.

?But Sanchez is absolutely right?, continues Evans, ?Jews do in fact control the media, and many other industries, including the offshore gaming probably?for one reason? They are smart people?.but we chose Sanchez in fact as our ?Gambler of the Week? not for dissing his CNN stuffy bosses, but for publicly saying that Jews ?are not oppressed? and this goodie, ?I?m telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart.?

But like all media personalities with a platform, including myself, sometimes we do or say idiotic things that we don?t think will get us in trouble because our Ego?s tell us ?yeah say what?s on your mind. You are an important dude? nothing will happen to you ? and then the truth of a man is revealed?. which in this case Sanchez?s did, revealing his own bigotry thereby gambling with his future in the media.

?I am actually disappointed CNN let Sanchez go? I loved watching this guy to see what flubs he would make next and he seems like a cool guy.? Evans concludes.

For being chosen Hollywood?s Gambler of the Week, Hollywood is awarding Mr. Sanchez a $500 wagering account which they hope he can run it up to thousands to help enhance his unemployment benefits says Nicki Smith, Hollywoods? PR director.


Additionally Hollywood has a special promotion in honor of Mr. Sanchez. Sign up and make a deposit at their site, and they will give you an extra 20% cash bonus using promo code GOW20
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