Home Advantage?

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Forum Member
Feb 24, 2002
I'm after a bit of help :confused:

What's the generally accepted start you guys use for home advantage? I would've guessed 6 or 7 points but I've seen stuff written that says 4 or 5.

Is there any difference between indoor + outdoor stadia?

Are there any teams you like to 'cap with a stronger home advantage than others (or less)?

Any help/views/advice much appreciated!! :) Abuse not appreciated:thefinger



Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Toronto, ON, Canada
I read an article in the past that handicapped the stadiums as far as which ones are most advantageous to the home team. There are definitely differences. Of course, over time the home field advantage factor will change (ie. a good team becomes bad, the fans are less raucous and the stadium is not nearly as intimidating as it used to be).

Anyways, this article ranked the stadiums on a scale of 1-6... 6 being a huge advantage. I forget what most of the stadiums were ranked, but I do remember a couple....

KC came in as a 6 and is generally regarded as one of the loudest stadiums and toughest places for opponents to play. Or at least it was at the time of the article. Now that KC is halfway decent again it is probably back to being a 6.

Arizona was ranked a 1. Half-empty stadium with apathetic fans. And in fact a lot of the people who attend their games are there to cheer for the other teams. Retirees from New York or Philly, and of course there are Dallas fans everywhere...so the crowd could be more pro-visitor in many of their old NFC East divisional games. Too damn hot to get all worked up in Arizona anyways. :)

Somewhere out there someone's probably got a similar current scale or writeup on each stadium....just don't know where you'd find it.
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