Home Security Question to the Guys:

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 22, 2001
Port Richey, Florida
Am getting a home security system. Any recomendations?

Brinks? ADT? Another?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!

Thanks ALL!!!


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
this topic has been discussed pretty extensively in the past... here's what will happen.

someone will tell you to skip the system and get a gun.

someone will say guns are bad

10 people will say guns are good

someone will link the crazy old guy in texas that shot robbers at his neighbors house.

lots of people will say guns are bad.

people will say guns are good and talk about how safe they are with them.

deaths from accidental gunshots will be linked to George Bush

People will clamor that if Obama/Clinton is elected we will have no more guns.

and you'll still wonder what security system you should get.


The Boys

Forum Member
Oct 17, 2001
Royal Oak, Michigan, a Detroit Suburb
There's a lot of stuff if you just Google it. My son went with a veru nice wireless system, don't know the name brand. Think wireless makes sence, no drill and routing of wires. It monitors the house for glass breakage and all forms of enrty, it also monitors for fire. In addittion get a gun and have a plan if you need to use it. :SIB
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Forum Member
May 24, 2001
The Upstate
this topic has been discussed pretty extensively in the past... here's what will happen.

someone will tell you to skip the system and get a gun.

someone will say guns are bad

10 people will say guns are good

someone will link the crazy old guy in texas that shot robbers at his neighbors house.

lots of people will say guns are bad.

people will say guns are good and talk about how safe they are with them.

deaths from accidental gunshots will be linked to George Bush

People will clamor that if Obama/Clinton is elected we will have no more guns.

and you'll still wonder what security system you should get.


:mj07: I was immediately going to reply, get a shotgun, before I read your'e post...:mj07:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

I worked in this industry. For over ten years part of my job was to go out and investigate all commercial and residential actual alarms.

If they telll you they can provide a additional keypad for extra, its full of shit as the systems
all come with two keypads from the mfg.

I would stay away from wireless. They are just not as reliable as hard wired systems.

Glass detectors work good but if you don't protect the window with a contact switch, the alarm will not go off if a burglar forces the windowopen with a crowbar.

Getting a hard wired system with all the doors is a start. Adding all the windows gets expensive. I would do the windows that were most likely to get broken into. Like rear basement. Adding a motion detector in the basement area is well worth it. Its called trap protection. You locate the motion detector in the most likely spot the burglar will approach. Usually the stair area to the upstairs.

Burglars know that most people do not alarm their second floor windows. They will try to get up there if they can. Make sure no trees make the second floor accessable. And for gods sake do not have a ladder around or things they can use to climb up there.

Motion detectors are good but can make you crazy if you have pets or kids that would wander around at night.
If you have little ones or teenagers, its great to set the alarm and know they cannot get out of the house without you knowing it. The alarms have a feature where it can be off in the day time but monitor doors with a sounder. If a door is open the keypad chimes.

If anyone can cover a motion detector with a box or tape it across the front without you knowing it, they can get in without setting the detector off. What are friends for.

The alarm companies want the monitoring agreement. This is where they make their money on recurring revenue. They charge 10-25 bucks a month and will try to lock you in as long as possible. 3 to 5 years if they can. Its very hard to break the contract even if you move. They will have collections after you.

Here is the bullshit part about monitoring. The cops get pissed if the monitoring stations call in false alarms. So what they do is call your house if the alarm goes off. WTF good is that shit. That would delay cops by ten additional minutes easy.
The majority of residential alarms are from misuse of the system by the owners or family.

A really good burglar will cut your telephone line before they enter. That way if the system is monotered, it will not transmit. Most alarm control boxs are installed in the basement or a closet. There is usuall a delay of about a minute to allow himeowners to turn the alarm off, If a burglar can find the box , they can knock it off the wall and silence everything.

I went out to a commercial alarm one time that had been going off all night. The police and I found a burglar dead under a telephone pole behind the building. He was attempting to cut the telephone line and cut into high voltage. Cutting lines on telephone poles is no where for
inexperienced burglars to be.

A local alarm is just as good if you have neighbors that will call cops if they hear your alarm go off.
The siren in the attic scares most burglars away.
Plus you save on the monitoring.

Alot of the alarm companies will not install the system if you dont sign the monitoring. You can find some that will though.

A amateur burglar will not go into a house that have security signs out front and back. They will just go down the street. Why chance it. Easy to get signs . you can buy them from the internet.

A good basic hard wired system will run over a thousand easy. The cost of the equipment and wire is usually 6-8 hundred. Then labor. Easy to spend 2-3 grand on a good system.

Wireless will be about 1800 -3500 . The technology is expensive is the explanation they give.

For a hard wired system , it costs more if you are on a slab or do not have a good access attic.
Houses on slabs can usually only be wireless.

Burglars always go to the master bedroom first. If you have a safe or valuable shit do not keep it in your master.

I have been burglarized once in my life.
I have alarms in the houses I own now.

Its a horrible feeling to have someone come in your house like that. They pretty much trash the place looking for valuables , so they can get out in 5 minutes or so.
Burglars really dont want to carry your big screen down the street with them. They want fast cash. guns, and valuables. Iods, cameras, laptops. etc

The big thing in Atlanta is teams of burglars crash out front windows of clothing stores. About five or six rush in and grab high end jeans and clothes that they have scoped out. They get 15 -20 grand worth , and get out in less than 2-3 minutes. They work with front stores and make a killing. Or they just sell them on the streets at 25 bucks a pop. The cops hate these people .
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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep

I worked in this industry. For over ten years part of my job was to go out and investigate all commercial and residential actual alarms.

Very informative post Scott thanks for taking the time to do this. We are about to move into a house and this will be one of the first upfits. Thanks


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

That is quite possibly the most imformative post you've ever made. I just moved all of my valuables out of my master bedroom.

uh where did you put them just in case I am ever in the neighborhood :0corn
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Tent Maker
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
Above the Clouds....


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
this topic has been discussed pretty extensively in the past... here's what will happen.

someone will tell you to skip the system and get a gun.

someone will say guns are bad

10 people will say guns are good

someone will link the crazy old guy in texas that shot robbers at his neighbors house.

lots of people will say guns are bad.

people will say guns are good and talk about how safe they are with them.

deaths from accidental gunshots will be linked to George Bush

People will clamor that if Obama/Clinton is elected we will have no more guns.

and you'll still wonder what security system you should get.


And then some ex-military guy will talk about how he has several flash bangs in his dresser drawer and you'll shake your head . . . and still believe him
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poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
And then some ex-military guy will talk about how he has several flash bangs in his dresser drawer and you'll shake your head . . . and still believe him

don't forget the smoke pops too. if they somehow avert a flash bang, you don't want them getting to a door to get out of the house too quick.


Staff member
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Channel Owner
Jul 13, 1999
i have ADT for the last 8 years. hard wired doors and motion detectors. i only use the system when i take trips away from home. no complaints but nothing to compare it to either. i used it one time when i intentionally set it off to get rid of a person who wouldn't leave and the cops were there in less than 10 minutes. that was in rural western maryland too. the reason they call, scott, is to see if it's a legit alarm. if there's no answer they send in the troops.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
i i used it one time when i intentionally set it off to get rid of a person who wouldn't leave and the cops were there in less than 10 minutes. .

I knew there was something not quite right
about BobbyBlueChips
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
i. the reason they call, scott, is to see if it's a legit alarm. if there's no answer they send in the troops.

I worked as Operations mgr in the Central Station

It was a national company and our policy was to notify the police on all alarms.

We just couldnt justify calling the home, and the homeowner under duress yelling, yes I am being broken into . It didnt make sense to us but that was a long time ago.

Or the burglar answers the phone and says dont worry about it, everything is ok. OK what is your emergency password.

Burglar - that would be f u you pussy chops