Hopin' t'God that Tuesday brings me Luck...

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74-91-2 -570
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Going backwards again...

RedLegs +130--This one's less about Ortiz, and more about Ishii. The Reds get around on lefties pretty well, all things considered, so I'll take a shot at a homer play tonight.
Debbil Ways +140--How about a nice, solid 7 inning start from Fossum tonight? Hmm? Wouldn't that be nice? Tiggers lineup not tearing it up lately, and with a ? in front of both Young, and Pudge, I like the DRays chances tonight.
BeeJays+220--Hard to take up arms against Santana, but Tlwers is no slouch, either. Between that, and the slump Minny's been in lately, I'll take the great value here.
Sub Mareeners +150--No, I'm not picking up the Yankees fade agaion. That'd be stupid. This is a "Pavano" fade! LOL :mj07:

GL, everyone!


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Aug 23, 2002
New England
I like the last 2. Both dog starters have a better ERA.I would not bet the Devil Rays on the road with Chinese money.With the Reds you allways have a chance to because they can hit but I just can't trust their pitching.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 10, 2005
Jackanape, please read my thread about playing dogs and if you would be so kind to offer insight. Thanks and good luck tonite.
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