
MB MLB 728x90 Jpg


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Mar 13, 2003
Newfoundland, Canada
Good to see you back,

Saw the Sens play the Leafs in St. John's last Saturday Night. Ottawa looked very good. Alferdson was on fire. Back up goalie played very well for a guy who only had 13 shots in three periods. Should be a good year for Ottawa and I fear another year with the crying towl for my Leafs.



Registered User
Forum Member
Thanks for writing Vinny. Glad you were able to take in the game. I have been in constant with different media members back home and they said the rivalry has been great with both teams, even in the pre-season. Neil gave Tucker a good beating according to both the Tor. and Ott. Sun. They go at it again tonight. Emery was super last night making 28 stops in beating the Wings. Sens iced half of the regulars. The depth is truly going to pay off this year. The boys are hungry to go all the way. I know losing G7 in the conf. finals has them chopping at the bit. Talk to you throughout the season.
