How come I always got banned??! lol

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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
For those of you who knew me years ago...I always used to get banned for being "too aggressive and confrontational", even though I always stuck to political policy and facts and website rules.... I even got kicked out for standing up for myself because some guy said he wanted to bash my face in with a baseball bat....(granted Jack let me back in after public outcry lolol) regardless....I've posted only about 2 posts in the politics room so far and I've been called every name in the book. Trust me I welcome all hated words towards me and I wear them with a badge of honor...but I just wonder why things have gotten so bad in here on this website?? What happened to this politics message board? Namecalling was against the rules back in the day...but now it seems like it's fair game? WTF? Have we sunk this low? Why is it okay that I am called a fucking prick and a fucking punk? --not that I could give a rat's ass but it's the principle....I miss the old least they had substance. RIP Kosar and Vyrrus and Eddie Haskell and KOD and Raymond, I love WR, Steveie D, SMurph etc...I just want my old friends back! :toast:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
I can't pinpoint exactly when the name calling came out, I have only been a member a few years.

I can tell you that there have been some racist posts and that's when I get pissed. Racism should never be tolerated.

Also, it may have been the end of the Bush era that spewed hate on the board. When you talk about wars, politics, and religion people can get very pist. Bush was hated and people bragged about how good he was and some posters became very upset. Not saying it is right or wrong but that's how it happened from my eyes.
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Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
For those of you who knew me years ago...I always used to get banned for being "too aggressive and confrontational",

You got banned one time and that was for being an asshole. Now, I just pretty much let people be assholes if that's what they want to be.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
You got banned one time and that was for being an asshole. Now, I just pretty much let people be assholes if that's what they want to be.

He got banned for being an asshole, that seems quite shocking :scared He seems to be such and endearing and wonderful person :shrug:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
I can't pinpoint exactly when the name calling came out, I have only been a member a few years.

I can tell you that there have been some racist posts and that's when I get pissed. Racism should never be tolerated.

Also, it may have been the end of the Bush era that spewed hate on the board. When you talk about wars, politics, and religion people can get very pist. Bush was hated and people bragged about how good he was and some posters became very upset. Not saying it is right or wrong but that's how it happened from my eyes.


no we didnt get upset until the neo cons here totally refused to admit to Bush having any thing to do with the US problems.

when Bush and Cheney manipulated a depression just as Obama came into office.

They also made trillions each while in office.

and then the total disrespect for the President

from the birthers, to the muslim calling shit, to taking too many golf days on and on it never stopped

there was a point when we just said fawk it and fawk you neo cons, you will never listen to reason.

Keep following Rush and Mike Savage and the hate they spew.

its pathetic.
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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri

no we didnt get upset until the neo cons here totally refused to admit to Bush having any thing to do with the US problems.

when Bush and Cheney manipulated a depression just as Obama came into office.

They also made trillions each while in office.

and then the total disrespect for the President

from the birthers, to the muslim calling shit, to taking too many golf days on and on it never stopped

there was a point when we just said fawk it and fawk you neo cons, you will never listen to reason.

Keep following Rush and Mike Savage and the hate they spew.

its pathetic.

Be civil Mr. Hopey Changey.



Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Manson, first off if your a republican on this board or lean conservative your fucked all the rats like to do is name call, they have no substance. It all started when W was in office on here.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Manson, first off if your a republican on this board or lean conservative your fucked all the rats like to do is name call, they have no substance. It all started when W was in office on here.

Bullshit, Hedge. Plenty of us have substance on here. I think if you take a hard look at the content posted by you, Skulnik, Raymond - the majority of the conservative posts these days - you'll see what I mean. It's opinions, YouTube links, and crap.

There are some here on both sides that actually post decent material for people to think about, and a select few that trash the board with crap. I'd say - to be honest - the name calling (the really bad personal attacks) are done by a couple on the left side for the most part. But the bullshit clutter inane posts come most often from about three people with conservative views. And everybody except for those three know it, or will admit it.

charlesmanson - many who used to post here stopped - in large part because of the name calling both sides and the bullshit posts by the big three on the "right." In my opinion it just shows a lack of ability and/or character to spend your time calling people names and spending hours posting YouTube links by others because you cannot put together two intelligent sentences to explain your position yourself. (you being those that do, not you personally). I remember arguing with you for years back in the day - and the forum was way more about the issues and substance. I rarely agreed with you and I think there was a lot of hate in what you posted, but things were more on point back then (IMO). I do remember the charlesmanson and spibble-spab days... not that fondly, but it beats what we have now, for sure.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
And - why it goes on now more than before, is that Jack gave up trying to police the board - rightly so. The people who post in this forum - a few of them - just can't understand how to post without being stupid about it. You can make your own assessment about why a person can't understand why the way they post is stupid. Pretty obvious to most, other than those being stupid. Jack has a business to run, and allows people to be stupid in a controlled area on his board. Kudos to his decision - it's the only one that works for everyone, sadly.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Jack has a business to run

From Chad:

Not only does Jack have a business to run, it's a brand name. If the obvious Hate posts continue, this place will look like Stormfront, I belong to Stormfront because of some of the bands are pretty wild. Metal, Punk, but I certainly don't agree withe the content of the board and the majority of the lyrics. It's fairly well known that I do like a LOUD, PROUD, INTENSE METAL/PUNK SOUND !



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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
And - why it goes on now more than before, is that Jack gave up trying to police the board - rightly so. The people who post in this forum - a few of them - just can't understand how to post without being stupid about it. You can make your own assessment about why a person can't understand why the way they post is stupid. Pretty obvious to most, other than those being stupid. Jack has a business to run, and allows people to be stupid in a controlled area on his board. Kudos to his decision - it's the only one that works for everyone, sadly.


Get a CLUE, Political Youtube Videos in the political Forum, go figure, you're just mad because Mr. Hopey Changey is an IDIOT.

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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Bullshit, Hedge. Plenty of us have substance on here. I think if you take a hard look at the content posted by you, Skulnik, Raymond - the majority of the conservative posts these days - you'll see what I mean. It's opinions, YouTube links, and crap.

There are some here on both sides that actually post decent material for people to think about, and a select few that trash the board with crap. I'd say - to be honest - the name calling (the really bad personal attacks) are done by a couple on the left side for the most part. But the bullshit clutter inane posts come most often from about three people with conservative views. And everybody except for those three know it, or will admit it.

charlesmanson - many who used to post here stopped - in large part because of the name calling both sides and the bullshit posts by the big three on the "right." In my opinion it just shows a lack of ability and/or character to spend your time calling people names and spending hours posting YouTube links by others because you cannot put together two intelligent sentences to explain your position yourself. (you being those that do, not you personally). I remember arguing with you for years back in the day - and the forum was way more about the issues and substance. I rarely agreed with you and I think there was a lot of hate in what you posted, but things were more on point back then (IMO). I do remember the charlesmanson and spibble-spab days... not that fondly, but it beats what we have now, for sure.

your one of the few on the left that has some substance