I think that people take it a little more to heart when you have negitive things to say about their plays, over other topics, because this is a gambling talk joint.
Everyone here came here, first and foremost, to show people how wonderful they were at making plays. Let's face it......you made bets, and thought, "I like this place. These are my kind of people!" Quite a few people went along the lines of, "I can't wait to have the gang tell me how great I am at this!"
At any rate, we are a team when it comes to making wagers, and like any team, you pat a guy on the back when he does well, and say nothing when he's in a slump. I think that most of us honor that unspoken creed. You don't have to get in line to kiss the asses of your heros, but you don't bash the guys when they lose.
The exceptions, of course, are the new people who are too brash, and always get set straight by the members who take offense. "I lost my ass on that play. Thanks a lot!" (Not well received by most.)
Or, the people with an agenda, who never meant to do anything but start shit in the first place. "I've been watching you guys for a while now, and think you are a joke!" (How many times do we see this?)
And, the people who have a spat over something else, and attack the others record, or recent plays. "You may not like the fact that I went to State U, but at least my plays didn't go 1-4 last night!"
Or, the in-house chest thumping that is currently taking place in the hoops forum.
No, most of us realize that posting losing plays hurts enough, and don't need to be reminded of them, thus, the lack of "calling someone out" on those days. (I don't want it done to me, so I won't do it to them.)
Now, the other topics in here, that are not sports gambling related, get many spins and opinions, and that is great! We can bash each other all day long on these topics, and no one really gets hurt. You can say, "You voted for so-and so....I didn't!!!" Making you feel better for the moment, because you can assume in your mind that if the "other guy" was in office, things would be better. Subjects that have no definitive answer, will be back and forth fodder all day long in places like this. A game, however, had a right side, and wrong side, when it is all said or done. You are either correct or wrong. So, if you know a guy was wrong, why make waves over it?
We can fight over the shit that doesn't matter, (in a wagering sense) but most understand that the plays of a guy are not open to ridicule after the fact.
Good debate before the game? That's another story........