How do I cut piss sack away when gutting a Squirrel?

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Say Parlay
Forum Member
Saw one of those rodents recently at buddy's place outside of San Marcos and thought of blasting it and making that stew.

Those redneck neighbors I had in E. TX at Lake Sam (when I owned property there :sadwave: ) showed me once, but I can't remember now.

any good websites on it? I couldn't find any. Look like the one when you dress a deer?

Also need good tried and true Brunswick stew recepie.....thanks in advance!

Frog legs I got down
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Forum Member
Dec 2, 2008
How do I cut piss sack away when gutting a Squirrel?

Real men bite it out with their teeth while making a face like Nicholson in The Shining.

Try embroidery scissors.


Say Parlay
Forum Member
Ha! You guys are rich! :mj07:

clueless me, I didn't even think of YouTube! :rolleyes:

tons of good videos there on dressing the rodent.

but saw nothing as efficient as redneck neighbors I had. Two of 'em working together skinned and gutted the squirrel under 2 minutes! I shoulda filmed that.

it was later in morning. light rain and and two of the 4 of 'em who actually had a sort-of job (reading and checking water meters for little rural company one of the dude's family owned) decided rain was enuf reason not to work and commence drinking.

one feller, "Rebel", had been drinking since 11pm night before. he also waved a pistol about when got into occasional screaming fits. I asked one of other guys and they said already checked and no bullets in revolver or on him.

then that squirell appeared and dog fixed it on one tree. Guy got shotgut outta the camphouse and expertly nailed the sucker, no head left and just two pieces of shot in back.

They put it on ice that day for stew next, as they were already smoking turkey (injected with cajun spices) shot earlier in week. Had little garden of fresh peppers and some herbs right by camp house.

early afternoon boated out to check the trot lines for flatheads...took pic below of my lot from the water


that was the livin!.....But had to sell my lot due to security problems storing my stuff there. Now got boring middle-class midwest neighbors in my locked and gated lake community in Kansas. Pic of view from KS lot below. Some nice channel cats in that pond!



You get ice storm very bad there? My bro in Old Town escaped most of it. But he has to commute to job in Rockport 4 times a week! I imagine it's worse near the coast.

What lobster pound you like in your area? Dip Net, Watermans or?

at my buddy's off Lime Kiln Rd in San Marcos, he had armies of the rodents around his place. They even cut thru his screens to get inside to the kitchen! He reluctantly got dog and cat to keep rodents and deer away. Unfortunately also keep other wildlife away too.

but frogs still in his pond, and toads on porch
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Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation

You get ice storm very bad there? My bro in Old Town escaped most of it. But he has to commute to job in Rockport 4 times a week! I imagine it's worse near the coast.

What lobster pound you like in your area? Dip Net, Watermans or?

We didn't do too bad here with ice, about 1/2 inch, lost power for 5 hours. Inland Alfred area 180,000 still without power.

We usually get our lobsters from a friend, lobsters running about $4.50 at the pound $3.75-$4 off the boats. Shrimp starting to hit now $1.25lb.

We live about 4 miles from Waterman's Beach & 9 from Dip Net, Port Clyde USA. We prefer Miller's when we play tourist, nice deck overlooking the water and you can bring your own beer or wine. About a 1 1/2 miles from the house.

Whats your brother do in Rockport?
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